Back in 0.17, I was just a total noob at KSP, trying to explore the new planets. I already landed on Mun after smashing more than 100 Kerbals into its surface ("I am not a dum****s, I can figure out how to land this thing without Youtube" - well, I didn't.), and even had Minmus (Believe it or not, I landed on it with the same mission that first successfully landed on Mun - i overdid my burn as I didn't had a clue about how that works - and saw an encounter for a second, so I saved and went for it. Complete success with return.) and Duna. So I decided to try Eve. By that time, I coud remember hearing that Eve was somehow difficult, as it has double the gravity and >double the atmosphere< than Kerbin. So I made a ship that I thought would do fine, it should certainly have enough dV to land and get back to orbit. It performed quite well, it had huge fuel surplus when taking off from Kerbin, so I went ahead and flew some poor Kerbal to Eve. Everything went fine, he got an encounter, aerobraked, and started to descend. Still fine, but then, the parachutes began to rip off from some reason. I loaded a few times, and when enough of them survived, I proceeded. And soon after, when I found out that the ship is hardly falling down, I started to realize something may be wrong here. Poor Kerbal has landed, explored the soil and the ocean (Sealevel landing at Eve like a pro ), and went back to take off. The ship flew some 500 meters up and fell down again. WTF? and that was my story of my first Eve return mission colonial mission. And the I went to check the forums, and I suddenly understood...