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Everything posted by Rex_Reach

  1. The six man pods weren't quite long enough to separate them with any reasonable stability, and they still can't corner above 15m/s, but I'll try to see if I can shift the legs inward (possibly off the side docking ports?). I need to change the overall plan as well, seeing as with a 100 ton lifter to heft the 12-man Kerbin Return Vehicle to LKO, my mission schedule is going to get ridiculous. I think I'm going to use your idea, where each crew brings their own habitat and supplies then returns in a parked orbital vehicle. EDIT: New ascent vehicle and tugs designed. Launching at 60 day intervals, I can make the Day 283 window with about a month to spare.
  2. Kerbin testing has garnered support for self-propelled habs. The next steps are hauling four of these to Duna (and landing them) and designing a crew vehicle capable of returning all twelve Kerbals safely.
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