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Everything posted by shibdib

  1. http://shibdib.com/2015/04/top-5-kerbal-space-program-add-ons-april-2015/ In celebration of 1.0 being right around the corner, I decided to whip up a list of my top 5 must have add-ons. Let me know what you think either here or in the comments.
  2. Welp that got the hype started, this can be the ignition for some ridiculous images haha
  3. Seems not many know about it so I made sure to pick it up on my site. Basic gist is submit a pic with a hashtag and potentially win a secret prize from the devs! http://shibdib.com/2015/04/kerbal-space-program-official-twitter-contest/
  4. figured it out If you can't load vessels just go into ur save and delete ur older ones.
  5. Well this tool was awesome the one time it worked.. now whenever I use it I get the cmd box flash, then it shows up in my bar at the bottom but clicking it doesn't show anything.... Tried redownloading with no luck. Using the latest Windows 10 Tech Preview
  6. Is there a special way to track asteroids? I keep getting "Unknown Objects" but have yet to have an actual tracked asteroid. This makes it kinda impossible to plan missions for them
  7. Does the asteroid one actually auto detect them? I haven't seen any "unknown objects" since the beginning of the game. Also doesn't seem to be "active" when I return to the ship.
  8. So having an issue.. Seeing multiple copies of the module, some missing textures in both the research and build screens
  9. can this be confirmed? If it's true than it encourages performing multiples of the same mission which is fine with me. Example being 1 orbit of goo for 100 science, but 20% transmit so only 20 science gained.. But orbit 4 more times doing the same science and gain the total 100. That and I think transmit is limited by the antenna? maybe..
  10. Do we have an ETA? I took a break from the game and will probably continue to do so until .22 launches
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