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Everything posted by vger

  1. There is no such thing as "world law." And going to war over something isn't as cut and dry as you think. There's the question of whether or not the war is cost-effective, or even feasible.
  2. Taking it to its likely conclusion, since we already have corporations with "people rights," might as well go a step further and make it possible for them to be classified as countries as well, in order to make it legal to declare war on them.
  3. Oh, the governments of the world would have so much fun with that though. I could easily see corporations lobbying to have objects that have been 'grabbed' by the space craft as a post-launch element of craft assembly, thereby making the asteroid "part of the craft" and claimable as property.
  4. The ESA just invested 400M on Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa, for a mission they hope will arrive at Jupiter in 2030. http://sci.esa.int/juice/56165-preparing-to-build-esas-jupiter-mission/ http://finance.yahoo.com/news/europe-just-invested-over-380-154736702.html
  5. *shrug* Newtonian Gravity isn't accurate, but for nearly all practical applications it's "good enough." And, did anyone find any updated newsbyte better than this link? I'm guessing these results aren't from the proposed upscaled experiment (bigger drive, bigger test chamber). http://nextbigfuture.com/2015/07/direct-thrust-measurements-of-emdrive.html The official article is here but you have to pay for it. http://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/6.2015-4083
  6. I think if there's any such thing, like the kind we've seen in sci-fi, "energy being" would probably be inaccurate, and would technically be a life form that traverses more dimensions than we can perceive.
  7. Not to mention possible bad news for the universe itself. The best chance it has is if there is some bizarre effect going on that we haven't seen before. But if that's the case, I can't see how we wouldn't have seen the phenomenon creeping up elsewhere.
  8. I dunno, the following quote... ...sounds negative to me. Maybe it's just not great wording, but I'm guessing the test results were less-than-stunning. At best, still inconclusive. It's still nice to know that this didn't end up permanently vanishing into obscurity like I feared it would after the gag order.
  9. What the heck am I looking at?
  10. Some humans have a much stronger desire to do what is best for the tribe, rather than just him/herself. Unfortunately, they are rare, because we no longer get to "see" how interconnected we all are. Not long ago, a political leader said, "You didn't build that," in a speech. It was a message to people who think they did "everything on their own," and were blind to the fact that they were relying on utilities, food, shelter, etc created by other people. Much of this has become transparent to us these days. We no longer feel that bond. It was much easier to experience when a hairy beast wandered into a village made of twigs and paper, and everyone ran out of their huts to either chase it away or kill it. It was once easy to see how selfish behavior could end up destroying everyone's lives, including your own. Hardly anyone cares about that anymore.
  11. Take the case to L.A. Even Mother Nature is sick of all the film remakes, and now a siege is in progress.
  12. No, no it isn't. Yet I could be in 5C weather in shorts and a T-shirt and everyone around me (even on a trip in Northern Canada) is in full winter gear. This, so much this. And of all non-painful feelings, there's nothing I hate more than the feeling of sweat dripping down my face in a sad demonstration of futility.
  13. This barely has anything to do with antivaxxing. Only when it involves DNA vaccines, which right now are only a tiny percentage of all vaccines. Antivaxxers oppose ALL vaccines, not just DNA, and think there is some vast conspiracy to poison civilization. Though unfortunately for science, this confirms one of the things the paranoid right has been concerned about for a long time - that DNA "hacking" is a hundred times more complicated than we think it is. Frankly, I'm more interested in the GMO issue. GMO company's PR problems probably just increased 10-fold.
  14. In moon years, they're in their teens now. They vanish for months at a time, never call, not even on holidays. They're also mad at him for not picking a tighter orbit. The Kuiper Belt is no place to raise your kids. In fact, it's cold as Hell.
  15. I'm siding with Pluto being a planet by the way, but it brings up an interesting point. Without the Dwarf Planet classification, how would you determine what is a planet vs. what is an asteroid? Is it simply a certain degree of roundness? If Phobos was Earth-sized and had its own orbit somewhere between Venus and Mercury, would it be a planet or an asteroid? Based on the technicals, we would be calling it an asteroid, but I'm pretty certain everybody would think that was ridiculous.
  16. This is... interesting. Sounds a lot like something that transpired in my Junior High years over MANY cafeteria lunches. We actually had to hold a Geneva Convention of sorts at one point and ban weaponry that displaces space and/or time, because the galaxy was beginning to look like swiss cheese.
  17. Technically, it's a Shetland Pony, not a Horse.
  18. We have planets that have an atmosphere, and we have planets that are nothing but an atmosphere. I'd say we already have something pretty vague going on.
  19. It's semantics and depends on 'which' North Pole you're talking about. For instance, Earth's rotational axis and its magnetic pole are not in the same place.
  20. Is there really going to be that much of an issue going forward if people call Pluto a planet instead of a dwarf planet? Hard to say, because people bicker constantly over such insignificant issues. Is it okay to call a dwarf planet a planet? I don't see why not. "Dwarf planet" even has planet in the name, which implies it is a type of planet. If someone says, "Look at that car over there," I doubt anyone has ever responded with, "That's not a car, it's an SUV."
  21. I was completely blown away the first time I saw that image. ...but, it's fake. Just a CGI rendering inspired by similar (but much smaller) aircraft. No such thing was ever developed or even planned to be developed.
  22. They would've broken it within 5 minutes. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!
  23. Maybe not relevant enough. Dunno.
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