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Everything posted by Chrono

  1. Thank you Specialist, I just may need some of those tips, Doodman's wheels blew-out on the Wade 02, now he's stranded on Eeloo. I have to build a recovery vehicle and get him back home. All things considered he's taking it well, still smiling... for science...
  2. Very, very, gently. Also the wheels I used are the largest in the default set, and they seem to have some pretty good suspension... well, some suspension anyway. I have not checked to see if the suspension mod has been updated for .20 yet, I imagine that would help you absorb the shock of the landing. I've also used regular landing legs attached to the sides of rovers and deployed them before detaching from the delivery system. Then just pulled up the legs and drive off. But Wade here landed on all six wheels. Like I said, very gently.
  3. Greetings! Have you seen any interesting nebula recently? Seriously though its good to be here, its nice to find a "game" that requires more then 5% of your brain to operate. By now I'm no stranger to the program, I've sunk over 110 hours into it... curse you steam for tracking how much of my life I've given you... Anyway I hope to see you around the boards, here's a little picture of me at the Mun Arch. That monstrosity behind me is My mobile Mun station.
  4. Equestria has a space program now eh? I'm down with that. Does not look half bad, though the font leaves something to be desired. I think I'll put one outside of my new Mun Base. PNY Base 02
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