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Red Dwarf

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Everything posted by Red Dwarf

  1. I seem to have a penchant for long, boring rides. Last year, I thought a rover traverse on the Mun was a great idea. Think about all the science, I thought! 4 hours later, I was still on my way. Ech. This year, I decided it would be a great idea to do some seismic contracts on Eve. Unfortunately, I didn't plan my decent very well, and I landed 600 km off target. Whelp, more science for me I guess. But still. UuuuuuUUUuuuuuugh.
  2. I think slashy's got it. My rover is made of two material bays, a rover chasis, and two struts. It's pretty light. It isn't shaking like Bagelrabbit's, but it's pretty jittery. Also, something I hadn't noticed as of original post: during physics warp, the rover kinda glides to one side, even when the parking break is on. I'm pretty sure this isn't a problem that can be fixed by me, but I kinda wonder if anyone else has encountered it. Also also, here's the rover. The antenna on the bottom is the atmospheric probe. Dunno if the antenna's hitbox could be causing my jitter.
  3. I like all my kerbals to stay alive, but outside of that, their actual safety isn't so important. One time I had to get 12 kerbals off the surface of Gilly. I could have easily gone EVA to get them to the mothership, but who has time for that? I stuck em all in command seats around the outside of an ion craft. Hang on tight guys, you're in for a looong ride!
  4. I have a looong drive ahead of me out at Eve. My rover is basically the same as all the other ones I've built, but it has a weird quirk thing. Sometimes, usually when driving downhill, the rover shakes. Speed doesn't seem terrible effected, but the shaking did cause a tire blowout. Any idea what's causing it, so I can avoid this in the future?
  5. I've always found it best to keep things small and simple. Ya don't need a whole lot, so long as you're clever with your flying. The current workhorse of my fleet is the Jimmyjam. Two nukes, plenty of attachment points for modifications, and incredibly versatile. The Mk.1 had enough oomph to easily carry 25 tons to Duna. The Variant B carried a compact base and 12 Kerbals out to Gilly, which is no easy task. It got back on fumes, but it managed it. Really, the challenge to interplanetary flights comes from making your delta-v count. Leave during the correct window, try and get your encounter set up as early as possible, preferably while still in Kerbin orbit. I suggest setting your conic mode to zero in the config, so you can actually see you're encounter around the target planet. This really helps getting the encounter you want, it saves a lot of fuel adjusting the orbital plane later on, and it makes getting home easier. Burning for home from a polar orbit sucks. Once you get out there, you can save a lot of fuel by aerobraking around your target. This goes for coming home as well. You can also try using gravity assists, but they're finicky, and to be honest, I haven't mastered them yet. Also, here are some handy tools for planning your interplanetary missions. This one is an aerobraking calculator. Just plug the appropriate numbers into the appropriate field, but always f5 for safety. This one is for finding out transfer windows. With these you don't have to be as exact. Once the planets are roughly in the right spot, burn when your ship is roughly where it says it should be. You can fiddle with the encounter to make it work. Good luck!
  6. My last four SSTO's were titled the Zippidy-doo, the Ping-Pong, the Wappy-zip, and the Zib-Zahb-Zoobity-Bap. My naming conventions basically amount to "silly and stupid".
  7. The idea isn't super original, it's true. I think mine is the only one I've seen that isn't a stratolaunch-type thing, though. Anyways, update: The launch system works pretty well, with enough fuel margin to move on to dummy payload tests. However, I've encountered a problem. This thing glides like an overweight lawn dart. I can't get it to not do that, so I turn to the nerds of the forums for help. Here's how the NWIH is built right now. Y'all got any advice for me?
  8. And the best part about it is, it worked! It worked so well I'm legitimately shocked! Behold my masterwork: The NWIH Mk.1! My plan for this puppy was to have a shuttle that's easier to use, with more recoverable parts. Mounting the external fuel tank on the nose looks ridiculous, but it also means I don't have to offset engines. This version of the No Way In Hell was meant to be a test rig to check out fuel flow and COM balance as the fuel tank burned out, but I had a little mishap with my staging... Much to my surprise, it actually maintained stability, and on top of that, it started climbing! I decided to roll with it. Sure, why not, let's see if this monstrosity can make it out of the atmosphere. Still going... Still going... No way. No way in hell. It actually made it to orbit! With fuel leftover! And it didn't need boosters, or wings, or anything! This is so stupid. I'm absolutely going to keep developing this.
  9. I dunno why, but flying planes in KSP is really relaxing for me. I took this puppy out for a spin round the Desert Temple. After the stress of early game in Career, it was nice to be able to mess around a little.
  10. Today I had to do my favorite thing in all the world: Extreme EVA. I lied before, that is my least favorite thing. Worse, it was in my new career save, before I had got the patched conics upgrade. Jeb had to get home on his wits and a few wisps of EVA fuel, and successfully headbutt a planet from 12000 km. Despite it all, he survived, and it was real lucky he shoved all the science in his pocket before he jumped ship, cause that thing was going nowhere.
  11. Since the new update, I've been having a couple of issues. When I'm in fullscreen and I first start up the game, lots of the screen doesn't load. It fixes itself when I switch to a different window and back, but it seems kinda weird. The loading screen The main menu (the loading symbol in the corner flashes a lot) Also, It won't let me go into the settings window at all. It cuts to a black loading screen and won't change. I thought it might be a similar bug to the graphical things I already had, but that just made it a solid black screen. Has anyone encountered these bugs?
  12. I've always liked the idea that ships in space don't need to be sleek, or have hull panels or anything like that. They can have fuel pods and engines and structural components sticking out every which way. The Apollo landers are designed like that. They're built to work, not to be pretty. I built my Big Damn Jool mothership with that principle in mind. I never got it out that far, unfortunately. I didn't keep track of my mods, like an idiot, and couldn't load it once the game moved to a new version. C'est la vie.
  13. I'm kinda curious, will Kerbal experience be a feature available in Science mode? I don't see any obvious conflicts from Career mode, but I could be wrong.
  14. I swear I've never completed a save to my satisfaction. Every time I really get going, right around my first Duna mission, the next update comes out, with all of it's shiny new toys, and I abandon the save. One of these days, I'm going to ignore the hype and stick with a version till the end.
  15. I use gravity assists as much as possible. I usually use the Mun to get a little extra kick heading out of Kerbin's SOI, and from there, who knows? Bounce off Eve, swing round Duna, switch back to Kerbin, then off to Dres. I have zero ability to plan those maneuvers though, so the fuel I waste getting those encounters could probably be better used just getting to my target the traditional way
  16. How difficult would it be to give terrain scatter collision meshes? Could you use code similar to what they use in Kerbinside?
  17. Looks like you built yourself a basic infiniglider. See, most of the parts you used were massless, so the engine deals with them in really weird ways.
  18. So I was testing out my new thermal jet plane, and I noticed that my thrust was imbalanced. I checked my reactors (the 1.5m kiwis) and it said one was running at 78% power. Why is it doing that? How do you control reactor power levels?
  19. That was my plan! It looks like there's about fifty seps on the bottom of that thing. If you fired them in pairs, you would have 36 Kn of continuous thrust for minute and a half (someone please check my math). Could that be enough to get a capsule and some RCS fuel to orbit, like it's shown in the video? It probably wouldn't hurt to launch from Mount Eve-erest, too.
  20. I dunno about the interplanetary burn thing. You could do it the way he did and make it to Kerbin eventually (it would be inefficient as all hell, but you could still do it). Back on topic, I've seen sepetron-powered craft break atmo in a single stage. With that sort of oomph, but staged for maximum efficiency, would it work? I would test it myself, but my computer is currently a potato
  21. So I was watching Nassaults latest cinematic, and I was kind of surprised to see his Eve lander was as small as it was. I didn't think there was any way it was going to make the ascent. But then we got a shot of the business end. That's a lot of sepetrons. The thrust to weight ratio on those things is insane, but I never considered them as a lifting stage. Has anyone tried this? If this actually works, I've got a new Eve mission to run!
  22. Whenever I'm tired or stressed, I build cool planes.
  23. Can you share the craft file for this? I really wanna play around with it!
  24. I made some serious progress on my Corvette project. I started off with a twisted heap of struts and I-beams, which flipped out and died before it even got to the end of the runway, and now I have something that can actually fly! Here's what it's supposed to look like: And here's what it looks like right now. It's still very much a work in progress, and it flies like a small house, but I'm still proud of it!
  25. So Nausicaa is like my favourite movie/manga/fiction-type thing in the history of ever, and I needed a project, so hey! Let's build the thing from the thing! The Mk. 1 The Mk. 2 The Mk. 3 The Mk. 4 I'm basically back to square one. I have no idea why the nose would be lifting up like that, being as heavy as it is. There aren't any lifting surfaces, so that ain't it. I tried thrust limiting, which helped a little, but it still popped up like an explosive salmon. I'm stumped. Y'all folks got any ideas to fix this?
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