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Everything posted by Chi

  1. Ha, é fixe ter aqui pessoal que fala português Reparei que ao fazerem o novo site que agora é possivel utilizar caracteres especiais, no entanto aqui no forum não funciona. Está prevista algum tipo de correção para este pequeno problema?
  2. Minmus is a geologically impossible natural satelite.
  3. It would look pretty bad on any 1920x1080 screen : c That would be awesome!!
  4. Right now I am building a spacecraft in kerbin's orbit, and after attaching an extra fuel tank to the main tank I transfered all the remaining monopropellant I used to dock the extra tank. When transfering the monopropellant, I ended up with one side of the ship with the containers full of monopropellant and the other side of the ship with half empty containers. That's when this idea came to my mind: Why not have a new option to balance fuel between 2 tanks? Sometimes you need to transfer fuel from one side to another, but you also need to keep the spacecraft's balance, otherwise SAS can't stabilize it. It gets even worse when transfering big ammounts of fuel, as it is harder to get it balanced. This should be pretty simple to do, just run an algorithm to compare which tank has more fuel, add the value of fuel from the 2 tanks, divide it by 2, round it and apply the value to each tank... or something like that. Oh, and here is a screenshot of the DUNA-X with only one extra tank docked: I hope I can get this thing to Duna and come back in one piece
  5. 25€? That's super cheap for a hand made thing, does that price already include shipping fees? Can you post here the page you ordered it from?
  6. That would be awesome! I really hope that the Devs take note of this!!
  7. You can already use procedural tanks with mods. Look it up on the spaceport!
  8. [EDIT] Revert to launch and Revert to VAB solved the issue.
  9. [EDIT] Please delete this thread
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