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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I know what you mean.. Perhaps I didn't phrase my post properly... The focus of the game, the direction of Career mode shouldn't be just for this one ultimate end - a threat to Kerbin.. Moreover that this would simply be a side-story to the ordinary developing career mode and tech development... as you can explore more in the solar system, you start to see some worrying -stuff- !. Cheers,
  2. Please warrant your very judgemental response with some substance...............why is it '********'?...
  3. Hello all. (and apologies if there is a similar thread somewhere??) Can you all think about my suggestion and tell me if you reckon it's a good idea? I would like to see an introduction of a 'killer' asteroid or comet that would be en-route to Kerbin. It would be upto the Kerbal Space Programme via Career Mode to:- 1. Develop a 'skywatch' system to map and track the solar system around Kerbin - therby leading to the identification and plotting of rogue asteroids / comets... you would have to decide if their trajectory was a threat to Kerbin.... 2. Design and develop an 'intercept' craft to re-direct or destroy the oncoming object This would give the Career mode an urgent focus and draw up on some pure panic when you first encounter the PLANET KILLER !!!!.... Many thanks for reading,
  4. Thank you very much for all the excellent ideas; I'll see what I can engineer. Hopefully I'll try and post some images from the Mun.
  5. Thank you very much for this... how do you do the landing tho? How do you arrange the engine(s)?? I would imagine it would be some kind of 'dropship'?
  6. Hello all. Apologies if this has already been discussed elsewhere but I am having a design nightmare. I haven't been playing this game long; I need to find a way to get a returnable lander and rover to the Mun. My first problem is how to attach a rover to the lander, so I can 'deploy' the lander on the Mun?... or make a combined rover/lander?... I really don't know which way to go with this? How do others achieve this? Any pointers would be very much appreciated. Thanks all.
  7. Thank you vey much for your positive comments! I'm off to check out the drawing board now.... this is why this game is so great; you want to find out more info all the time.....I'm off to Kennedy Space Centre in july, not sure i'll be able to leave!!
  8. I think I watched nearly every video Scott did, that made everything fall into place for me. I just had to get manual docking right...I know its hard to do, but kept on at it....with numerous catastrophies along the way. But that first time.......man!... Not sure about my next move??? Develop a space station or do some landings???
  9. Welcome to Kerbal. I'm new to this as well, it is a truly amazing game.... nothing else out there like it! Happy engineering from Manchester UK
  10. Hello all. I am relatively new to this game, finding it by chance when having a gaming boredom crisis- trying to find my next gaming fix!..... I am hooked on this game! I love the design element, the thrill of trying to get it into orbit, the buzz of getting out of the atmosphere and the music starting - as your first achievement.. Onwards and upwards to greater deeds with a spirit of endeavour akin to a real space program! I have since completed my first manual dock in orbit - how many other games would make you pump your fist in the air with triumph???? This to me is why this game is brilliant....
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