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  1. Same problem! EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot to install KIS. Do this, and all will be well.
  2. Won't be able to play KSP tonight as well, so no craft file yet I'm afraid. ... I'm getting withdrawel symptoms... EDIT: Never mind, I got a few minutes! I removed the Kerbal Engineer and LLL mod parts, but unfortunately some of the liquid tanks are from KW Rocketry and I can't remove them without drastically changing the craft. I'd really appreciate it if someone could take a look at the problem child in-game and try to discern what's wrong or even fiddle about with it a bit! Here's the craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zga07uux2njxr1/Skylon%20%28FIX%20ME%29.craft Thanks again for all your help. If there are indeed more mod parts attached (I think I got them all other than KW Rocketry) just let me know and I'll have another look. One more thing, I did actually quickly try removing most of the structural intakes and making the rest symmetrical on the side of the craft, but it didn't seem to help.
  3. Oh my, you might be right. Not sure on their mass but it could be heavy enough to make a real difference! No idea how I'd even get into space without them though I'll play around with it tomorrow before taking the modded parts off and see if it helps. Hopefully there's somewhere decent to put them!
  4. Wow, I forgot how helpful the KSP community is! I won't have time to play any more tonight, but I'll keep these solutions in mind. Oh, and Tweety, unfortunately Spaceplane + isn't the only mod being used for it. I believe there are Lack Luster Lab parts as well as Kerbal Engineer. If I had time to play, I'd go look for these parts for you but alas it is not to be. I also have no idea how to upload a craft file... :rolleyes:I could do it tomorrow but I'm not sure on the etiquette of resurrecting threads is for round here, assuming of course this gets buried. If it's still here after I get back from work in the evening, I'll upload the craft file to this thread using only the spaceplane plus parts, if you want?
  5. Thanks. Honestly not sure whether to start from scratch again, but this is as close as I've got to a functional SSTO so it makes me wanna try to fix it.
  6. Well, I've played about with it a bit more and I just cant get it right. Take the canards at the front off, and it won't have enough lift to keep the nose pointing upward. Move the engines forward helped a little bit but it's still uncontrollable. I'll post you guys some pictures in the SPH with CoM/CoT/CoL. Oh, and I'm in stock. There you go. Sorry about the debug menu, it often comes up when I take screenshots.
  7. Thanks! Guess it's back to the drawing board for a while!
  8. I recently constructed my first advanced spaceplane. All of them before this one have been tiny and unable to deliver any payloads into space, so it feels good to finally have created one with actual function. However, it's plagued by a pretty serious problem. At first when it takes off, it flies pretty smooth. However, I notice later in the flight that it becomes unstable when activating the rocket engines. More importantly, this only happens after a while of flying on jet engines. If I burn with the rocket engines at take off, it still seems to fly pretty smooth. I know it's not the aerodynamics of the craft, because it happens in space too. I can actually get it into space, but it's a constant battle. Leave the engines burning for too long, the nose rises until the spacecraft goes into a complete spin. My first thought was the fuel was becoming unbalanced later on in the flight, and indeed this may still be the case. However I tried flying it with TAC Fuel Balancer active and it still does the same thing, so I'm really stumped. It's so frustrating because without this problem, the thing would be pretty efficient and my first truly successful advanced SSTO. If anyone here can shed some light on what's happening here I'd be really grateful. Craft File (Spaceplane Plus, KW Rocketry): https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zga07uux2njxr1/Skylon%20%28FIX%20ME%29.craft A few pictures to help everyone out: And yes, I know it looks nothing like the real Skylon design!
  9. Sorry to keep pestering everyone... but I installed it like you said. Literally just dropped everything in the Gamedata folder (and ignored Source folder). However, I've still got parts locked in the VAB and they're still nonexistent in R and D.
  10. Right, ok then! Think I'll just totally remove all my mods and re-install them one by one so I know they've been done correctly this time. Thanks for your help!
  11. Right, thanks guys! Just getting back into KSP and the last I remember there was a 'KSP_Data' folder or something along those lines. Seems things have changed! I'll try to reinstall it tomorrow, this time ignoring the 'Source' folder. Hopefully that will be correct and I won't have any locked parts! Just to reiterate, even .dll files don't go in the 'Plugin' folder in the main KSP directory? Because currently that's where all my plugins are... and not in Gamedata.
  12. What about the 'Source' folder? And don't you put the plugin files in the plugin folder in the main KSP directory, or have I been doing it wrong all this time? Oh, and every time I retract the drill, the game slows to halt and I don't actually mine any of the Karbonite, is this because I'm stupid and can't install mods correctly? EDIT: Nevermind, I've gotten it to work now. As a matter of curiosity, do .dll files need to go in the 'Plugins' folder or 'Gamedata' folder in the KSP directory? EDIT 2: Still not working; I cant use the landing frames or Karbonite distillers. Says I need to purchase them in Research and Development when inside the VAB, but there is no option to purchase them from R and D when I actually look! Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated...
  13. Can anyone help with the installation? It's not like other mods, it's got a load of different random files!
  14. I just downloaded the new version for .24.2, but all of the spaceplane plus wings have completely disappeared? Even in sandbox mode, they don't exist!
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