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Everything posted by pixartist

  1. Big update! Changes - Changed duplicate node key from shift to ctrl - GUI overhaul - Window states are saved - Windows are draggable - Windows are resizable - Added Watch Value node (Any value type can be connected to this) - Watched values are displayed in the small default window - Added toggle RCS node - Added Body Radius node - Added Body Mass node - Added Gravitational Constant node - Added Time Node - Fixed Fuel Empty Node - Most Event nodes now can be toggled via boolean input - Included example subroutines - Got a new line drawing algorithm and lots of bugfixes
  2. Yes. The current solution is not very good, I will try to rework the window code as soon as possible. Clicking on stuff through the windows is a KSP/Unity issue though, I'm already "locking" the interface, which unfortunately does not do the job too well. When selecting a part through the window, doesn't right clicking fix that ?
  3. Can someone maybe gimme a good link which explains how orbital calculations work (in KSP) ? edit: found it: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:_Basic_Orbiting_(Technical)
  4. Update is out. Storing locations is now best done in geographical coordinates, these are constant and should not change when going to orbit and back.
  5. I just found out that the "Location" note is pretty unreliable currently, since the local coordinate system is not fixed. When you enter the atmosphere from orbit at kerbin, the launchpad is not 0,0,0 any more. I will change the location to use latitude and longitude in the next patch. I will try to add a node that converts lat & long into coordinates scaled to the world coordinate system, so that it's possible to do velocity calculations with the location.
  6. Well, you are switching the SAS off just before setting the SAS heading. SAS and SASController should be switched on. PS: I made a small tutorial on how to get to orbit, see the main post.
  7. The navball values are basicalle describing a vector. If you want to go straight up, use up 1 and the other values 0. If you want to go east, set E/W to 1 and all others to 0. If you want to go straight west, set E/W to -1 and all others to 0. If you want to go 45° up/east, set U/D and E/W both to 0.5 and N/S to 0. With the next updates all headings will be streamlined and will use Vector3. Btw. if you check "Keep Roll", the vessel will NOT change it's roll to the given value (this will also be changed in the next update) Edit: Also if you want to use the navball headings like you do (e.g. set them once and they will stay) I recommend enabling the SASController on launch. It will smooth and control the SAS heading. Edit2: Update is now online. If you have any questions about setting the heading, ask here. I'll make a tutorial now.
  8. Added Subroutines ! One hell of an evening of refactoring code later, your can now create fully customizable nodes, including custom execution paths!!
  9. Thanks for all the work, I wrote a comment, what do you think about my idea ? - - - Updated - - - Yes, I did not test with aircraft yet, I assume the orientation is different. Will test that soon. - - - Updated - - - Yes, will add that.
  10. I added compression, which reduced the lines of data in the locator vessel from 191k to 17k
  11. Yep totally planned. It's also planned to combine multiple nodes into a single procedure node that can be placed in another program. Will be added soon
  12. Added link to rudimentary node documentation: https://github.com/pixartist/KSPComputer/wiki
  13. You can delete nodes by dragging them onto the menu on the left. The SetRoll (direct) node does actually applies roll via controls (like pressing q or a), so your program will just press q or a for a single frame. If you want to set the SAS roll value, you need to use the SetNavballHeading node and enter your roll value. Btw. use the ToggleSASController node to enable or disable the SAS controller which smoothes the SAS corrections.
  14. Currently all attitude values are relative to the body you are orbiting. So, no, currently you can't simply have your craft rotate towards another body. I'll add it to my bucket list.
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