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Everything posted by LtKraftKrackers

  1. Any idea if this works for 1.0.5? any idea if this is gonna get an update? I really love this mod ;_;
  2. quoted from the wiki, it says: Any part connected to a fuel line will allow fuel flow, even if fuelCrossFeed = False in its CFG file. The FTX-2's links provide additional strength and stability, somewhat like the EAS-4 Strut Connector. so maybe it does. i cant answer from personal experience though as i was too dumb to try something like that out... great idea btw
  3. didnt KAS have clamps that attached to the ground? maybe you could use those.
  4. Guys... Seriously, stop the party poopin' and let them think the worst case scenario. If the asteroid hits Kerbin, career mode saves get deleted. I wan... no... I need this.
  5. Calm down man... how big would you say it is? they're always throwing around these geographical comparisons to give us a sense of scale like it really means anything to us but its like it doesn't matter its always just like: WOW THATS PRETTY FREAKING BIG like... "mr president theres a meteor coming sir." "oh yeah, how big is it?" "its the size of texas sir" "OH SHOOT" "how big is it? its the size of new york city sir" "OH SHOOT" "sir i'm afraid the comet is the size of your mother" "OH SNAP" "sir are you familiar with jupiter" "you mean like the planet?" "yeah" "well its that big sir" "hmm that sounds pretty big" "i have a question" "is it jupiter?" "yes sir, earth is literally under siege by planet freakin jupiter" "OH SHOOT..."
  6. close, but it was actually Harv from HOCgaming. , its actually a series, but this is the important one me thinks.
  7. on the Apoapsis and Periapsis info, you can actually left click on them to make them stay. even when you plot a manuever node, its apoapsis/Periapsis that you get can be clicked to make them stay. but as for interception markers, there isn't.
  8. I dont have any experience with Mechjeb, nor the prop monitor. but the flight computer from Kerbal Engineer is fairly easy to use. really, just keep your eyes on your TWR readouts, the Apoapsis and just do your usual orbit procedure.
  9. you know, i was preparing a really long paragraph of how i see this effect and how it makes sense to me. but i think its best if i just tell you this. Trust on the guys above me. Trust the people who have earned this knowledge from scratch, evolved it, and refined it. Sometimes you just have to let go.
  10. I dont know if there are any, but i know what you mean. Landing on floating islands would be pretty challenging and fun.
  11. hasn't been implemented yet. its said to be possible in next updates i believe.
  12. Sorry, I believe my explanation of "pulling" or "pushing" is not clear, so here comes another paragraph. when on target mode, your nav-ball displays a different kind of prograde and retrograde. these 2 markers are now telling you the direction you are going relative to the craft you have set as target. you also have the "pro-target"(circular, pink, dot in the middle) and the "anti-target" (thats how i call it) which is the pink triangular one. Now, when you burn, the prograde marker will be "pulled" towards your heading (heading, at least here, means the marker that shows where you are pointing). When you burn in retrograde, you "push" the retrograde one, as it tries to move away from your heading. now, you can use these two principles to align your prograde and retrograde markers with the "pro-target" and the "anti-target". if you align the prograde and "pro-target" you should have a really close Rendezvous in no time. Then, you can use your better judgement to dock. I believe it will come to you
  13. i cant really offer much advice that hasn't been said yet, but, yes, i believe the most important step on this, is to have your desired craft set as target on map view. This way when you get close enough, you get the targets relative speed and your Nav-ball goes into target mode. Now, here is the part that seems to me it has not been mentioned. It might be that i'm too impatient, but i have never killed my relative speed until 100 meters from target. I usually just "pull" my prograde marker or "push" the retrograde. why? Because i prefer to align my prograde marker with the "pro-target" one. you know, the pink, circular one with a dot in the center. if you align your prograde and and "pro-target" one, it means you are heading straight for your craft. Then its all about keeping them aligned and killing your relative speed as you get closer. Use your better judgement on that. Hope this helped you.
  14. thats a sexy looking craft there. congratulations man!!
  15. Hey cupcakes, just wanted to say, this is amazing. yesterday I went to youtube and well, lets just say all of your videos have one more view, some even 2 more views (camping trip to laythe was amazing for the choice of music too) and i just wanted to ask you a question. well 4 really. how do you control yaw with a joystick? what joystick do you use? any recommendations when buying a joystick? like number of buttons and stuff? and, do you still have the skeeter? I am just amazed with all the work that must have gone into all of these crafts, as I know its a pain to align CoM with the CoT. dont stop this, its amazing.
  16. i totally agree with this guy here. not everything has to be defined by genders and bringing this issues will only make things bad.
  17. i've actually tried this before. what ends up happening it that the Nervas fairings are expelled with such force that they destroy the other engines. really, if these werent nervas on your image, i would agree, just place decouplers on the bottom of each engine and then place the quad adapter. at the moment of staging they should just all slide off. but the fairings on the Nervas are expelled with such force that the engines are destroyed.
  18. yeah, i'm doing this in career mode, so in only have access to the normal and shielded docking ports. what i did to make the part was: i made a ruler of sorts with the new subassemblies. i placed 2 docking ports on the ones that were already on the main part of my ship and then just placed structural pieces in between them to measure them, then save that as a piece on the subassembly. when i made the piece that was to be docked, i took the measure pieces and placed them next to the tanks to place the docking ports as closely aligned as i could. now, you might be saying "that sounds like it should have worked" the deal i think was that i didn't measure the main piece right.. and well, it just didn't fit thanks to my lack of care. but yeah. THANKYOU so much dude at least i know its possible.
  19. Hi!! i need some help with docking ports. i am trying to build a spacecraft on orbit around Kerbin. got the rendezvous, the alignment and everything else. The problem is that, in order to make the craft more stable i went with a two point connection. so i got both docking ports aligned and i go in for final approach aaaand bonk-a-donk-a-donk one of the docking ports doesn't dock properly, leaving the part dangling and just looking derpy. how do i make sure they both dock simultaneously? is it even possible?
  20. Hi guys. I've been playing KSP since .19 and there is always that has always bugged me. I am one of those guys who doesn't really plan that much ahead, and this kind of always leads to leaving debris in orbit. Lots of it. So, every time that I go to the Tracking Station to get rid of it, i have to click each one of them separately, go to the buttons on the bottom to either terminate/recover or fly it. Just throwing this out there, a combination of three hotkeys like R to recover T to terminate and F to fly would be nice. they are nicely put next to each other and quite inviting. If there is already a way to do this, sorry I didn't know.
  21. haven't seen it have any effect on Kerbals. been trying every combination of them, fresh from the Astronaut complex, like 93% courage and 3% stupidity and any other combination on the 10% 20% 30% etc. going up or down on tens. but, no, it doesn't really, when its you who controls them. it'd be nice if it affected the way they are controlled in IVA.. maybe. i just don't want a high courage or high stupidity level dampening or delaying my signals to the kerbal to slow down or activate his "UP" thrust too late. but, you know, they do say that Stupidity and Courage are the sides of the same coin.
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