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Everything posted by Domesicabbage

  1. Humm I don't think he is coming back but anyway i will be doing challenges soon. :]
  2. I have a question, The Jedi Master when you did your tests did you use different controls for wheel movement and general navball rotation because if you do it helps a lot with the buggy wheels :]
  3. Challenge Complete To begin with Phillock was unsure of his craft as it had numerous notes in it documenting that the staging was malfunctioning but he launched anyway Phillock then had to steal about 200 tonnes of fuel. He did this by drinking the fuel and then regurgitating it inside his rocket:confused: He fixed the rocket and then launched it He also unwittingly passed quite close to another space shuttle but he hopes they did not notice him in his stolen space craft Because he also didn't want to be detected he renamed his craft to a more subtle name Finally he corrected his orbit Your Challenge(77): get Kenrim's New ship (undock it etc.. he wants the rover ship) to intersect with a planet of your choice (has enough fuel for any planet) If you have time I also think there is a ship about to go into a SOI change and bad things will happen if we miss it https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3n4DeVt5YlMTGFLWWJCaHFlaE0/edit?usp=sharing
  4. So i um.. built a rocket and completed the challenge YAY well here is the rocket on the launch pad I didn't know what to do with the kerbal so i left him there but the rocket is probe powered until you rendezvous with Kenrim where the probe can be detached then de-orbit itself as part of the "green space program" the rocket itself should work well apart from some issue with the rover being a plane when it was made umm there may still be an issue with random explosions when detaching the outer orange fuel tanks. Have fun! Your Challenge(#75) should you choose to accept it is to rendezvous the rocket on the launch pad with Kenrim For bonus points you may design a launcher for Jebs new "Cerberus OctoDecaThruster" see previous challenge Good Luck the link is here https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3n4DeVt5YlMMzYyeHljQkxWVms/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Challenge complete After falling off the ladder multiple times I edited the ship and changed the ladder a bit :$ I then finally took off the ship then kept spinning and spinning and spinning Then Kemrin Kerman got news of this event Docked with his ship and made way to Minmus :] Your challenge(#72) is to complete the landing of one of the two ships https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3n4DeVt5YlMb0o0NDBXTVYwdDA/edit?usp=sharing
  6. wow that is really really fast and i have added you as the fastest person :] I have just been looking around and noticed your also the top person for the day trip to the moon well done.
  7. I accept Challenge 69! anyways Challenge complete Link: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3n4DeVt5YlMcjQ1cUFNbHd3akk/edit?usp=sharing just extract it to your saves file :] Challenge 70- Stabilize Munar orbit then eject large fuel tank P.S. I have no idea how you are supposed to land this thing :]
  8. I have started my journey... I am going to try and do it with the same design of ship again and again and again. :] Well 1st day 3 bodies: Kerbin, Mun, Laythe Tomorrows aims: Minmus, Eve and Gilly
  9. Simple steps: 1. Start a new game 2. Design a new rocket 3. Get to Gilly as fast as possible 4. place a Flag on Gilly Rules: -No new parts e.g. super rocket that can fly anwhere with no fuel -No mods that actively help you fly your ship e.g. mechjeb etc -Other mods are OK though like the alarm clock one etc -when your ship lands it must be intact (it must have all the parts included in the final stage) -no cheating:sticktongue: Good Luck Best Time by Metaphor at 8 days 3 hours My Time: 69 days
  10. I'm really sorry for being stupid. How do i install this? I've got all the folders and files but it's quite confusing. Sorry :[
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