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Everything posted by Friction

  1. Ok, so I was looking at stupid stuff on the internet, and suddenly The Treasure Planet pops up. And I get the idea to make something like this. Its a lol ship, but it actually flew up to space by itself(i only cheated for the fuel?) 'cause the engines are placed even, and the one up top is a skipper compared to the 2 mainsails down. So it flies really nice actually, i might even make a VTOL version Cheers and if you dont like it, dont look at it YAAARRRR MATEY another angle sails down dark deck detail Embarking upon its journey to pillage and plunder other star systems!
  2. Omg I just uploaded mine. I tried uploading yesterday but I was having problems. Nice, I like it! But i think mine is bigger check it out
  3. My version of the ship from Star Wars - The Corellian Corvette. I got the scale off a bit, but it barely fit in the hanger as it is. And after flying around it needs more work on it, but I guess its good for a guy who can't dock eh? I'm planing on making more star wars like stuff its my first big ship btw. And another one I hope you like it ! Cheers
  4. Kerbal Space Program is the first game that doesn't have killing other things in it(yet) and my sister tells me: Stop playing that stupid thing, go play a normal game and shoot people. haha I love it. Cheers
  5. Oh btw whats up with the avatars and uploading screenshots? Is there a post limit on them?
  6. Hey people, whats up!? Friction here from Serbia. I've been playing KSP from time to time, and thought why not join the forums eh? I don't know much about the game and so, and still can't dock or make good maneuvers but it doesn't matter Cheers!
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