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Everything posted by Psycho529

  1. Oh and when you say 'RW flairing 1m and 2m' do you mean the KW Rocketry fairings?
  2. I quite like the sound of joining with this project thing and am happy to help with making a family of launch vehicles, what I love to do
  3. If I'm right the first 2F and 3F rockets both blew up killing a total of over 500 people (2F blew up above launch pad and 3F ended up flying into a village and killing some 500 people). But good work though
  4. If these are ballistic missile launchers then why do they have APC in their name? because APC stands for Armored Personel Carriers... but cool designs though.
  5. Not really... just picking a crew
  6. This isn't really working for me at all... the parts don't have a .cfg file and don't load up in the game.
  7. http://imgur.com/a/fUFYw Engines powered by nuclear reactors , a bit heavy though... one 1.25M reactor weighs about 6 tonnes *each reactor weighs 12 tonnes...
  8. Just to say those are just 8ft (ish) Tungsten rods not Titanium Tungsten.
  9. I'm having a slight difficulty putting up the pictures... Just made a flag for this (just out of complete boardom)
  10. Quite all right actually, just progress is slowing down due to school getting in the way and I need to make the 3d models
  11. Working on my first resource, Petrolium (yes I know it is a real thing but I like it )
  12. Thanks for saying... looks rather complicated after looking and the Kethane one... oh and are these made in Microsoft visual express or something?
  13. Where is the source code? is it in the .dll file or something?
  14. Can you help me with coding and stuff for mineable resources, I'm having a few problems here and there with making them...
  15. The thing is squad keep mentioning this and people become convinced it may be in the next update, but it never arrives and people don't make mods like this because of what the Dev's are constantly saying that resources will arrive in a few updates... but exactly how long is a few updates? We don't know so that's why I'm making this... but hey we will have even more resources to mine
  16. I'll get some pictures up of my current progress. Some of them will be stuff drawn out on paper (so I know what I'm trying to make and so you lot can get some sneak peaks at what will be arriving later in the mod... once I get my head round how to make the .dll and stuff. Oh and does anyone know any good places where I can get some software for opening .dll's and .mbm's please?
  17. Yes I get your point but I would like to have at least 3 modded resources before the devs release resources.
  18. Yeah I will try to make some radially mounted ones as well. And you have got a point about the resource tree... what I had in mind is kinda different to that to some degree because I thought of having something like coal e.g. Solidified Kethane would be awesome.
  19. I tried that but I couldn't get the scanners to work... (as in turning them on, can't even display the maps either)
  20. Would anyone like inflatable tanks for storing freshly mined resources before converting it? Or inflatable tanks for normal resources aswell?
  21. Thanks for the idea... I never actually thought of that... having a fancy tank for transfer instead a tonne of piping and stuff.
  22. Almost finished with making my first naturally ocuring resource, just a few adjustments to make to the .DLL file then I have to make my own 3D models.
  23. Thanks for telling me how to make inflatable stuff. Well the whole idea of this is to actually make some use of bases with assembling, mining, storing, refining and stuff (as well as plants and stuff to make food to keep kerbals alive)
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