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Everything posted by hawkwing

  1. A request, if I might: can you make the Armor Panel Wheel Fender piece front/back symmetrical? At the moment they have a different slope to them that can make certain configurations where they're used as armor elsewhere than around a wheel bay look crooked. The asymmetric tiling on the top is fine, it's just the slope of the front/back parts that's messing with me.
  2. Hah, I might just make a helix fossil station next, actually. I have some interesting ideas for it. It'll be quite a fun challenge, too. Especially the launch. I think i might make it a ship instead though... That would be even more remarkable. Sadly, my plan to dock k-drive powered ships to the station is not yet complete. With the Kraken's blessing, it may yet happen, however current prototypes are proving unsuccessful or too basic to be worthy of the Kraken's power.
  3. Fear not the Kraken, for his embrace is welcoming. Come, dock with his arms and be one with his magnificence. For he is our light and our salvation. A terror to our foes, and our guiding hand. All are welcome to his graces, do not head the words of the unbelievers, for they are in error. Our lord will clense the skies of their wicked ways, and all will be right in this world. The Lord Kraken is equipped with a solar array, batteries, and a worship/party tower. link to full resolution image (If you're wondering, yes. The entire station was launched in one piece. The might of the Kraken is strong indeed.)
  4. Thought I'd mention, download location is not persisting across sessions for me either. Each time I run kspma I have to remind it where to download mods to. Here's my kspmodadmin.cfg file, right where you said it would be, by the way. From what I can tell, shouldn't this file also be saving a download location in it, in addition to the ksp install location? That doesn't seem to be the case, obviously. I'm just sticking the DLs in C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\downloads", but that piece of information never gets saved.
  5. Have to agree. It just feels like there's no point to them if they don't actually give 100% return value. If this means they have to weigh more or use more power to fit someone's idea of balance, fine. But if they don't give full value, I'll just never end up using them.
  6. I will be sure to use Kerbcam in any future videos. Couldn't recall what the name of that mod was at the time, though I knew it existed. And thanks for the input on the cuts. I have no problem admitting that they didn't come out quite how I'd hoped they would.... They had some of the intended effect, I think, but I don't have the editing experience to know how to do it better.
  7. A short cinematic video I made of a flight into orbit, mucking about in space, and the return to Kerbin. At only 60 seconds long, it shouldn't be too large a waste of time if you don't like it, though of course I'm hoping you do, or I wasted my time posting this here! Let me know what you all think!
  8. Recently I've managed to get a few of my friends to play KSP and those they've been having a lot more fun playing through Career mode (and making more progress) than I did when I started the game back in sandbox all those months ago. Career is the most fun I've had with the game.
  9. Sorry to hear I seem to be the only one having that problem! One of my spaceplanes was doing it fairly frequently. First of two planes split in half around 5km up and became the most unlikely "landing" I've ever managed. Second one took a full 5 attempts to land without dying horribly. I'll try and record video of it happening and post that here. As a side note: Finally encountered the sort of near-disaster I'd expect from this plugin! (I've mainly been running spaceplanes... much safer on reentry) The radial parachutes I'd stuck on my 1-man lander capsule were exposed and wanted to burn off during reentry. Did my best to save both, but I had to settle for rolling the capsule on its side to protect the one remaining parachute. Lorigh Kerman shall go down in history as the kerbal who sacrificed the most for entertainment science for spending a full 4 years on EVA in orbit of the Mun after being launched from Kerbin into munar intercept by a mainsail cannon. Thanks for making the last leg of his journey that much more exciting.
  10. Fantastic. Now my space planes explode. Not during reentry, but 500m from the KSC runway, long after I'd expect a plugin called deadly reentry to be trying to kill me. Anyone have an explanation for it? I'm not using FAR, by the way. It doesn't seem to be happening every time, either, but occasionally when I approach landing the temperature on my wingtips seems to drop to -20c or so and they'll explode. Vanilla wings.
  11. Tested the nuke variant: Center of mass drifts backwards during flight, which makes atmospheric flight difficult near the end of the mission. I really like the way the jets are pre-vectored though... Its a nice touch. Not really sure how you'd correct the CoM drift... that nuclear engine's weight is a hard thing to work around (I'm still trying to myself).
  12. I'm having an unexpected problem getting EVA attached radial engines to work... Connected them directly to the fuel tank, but its still saying there's no fuel. Works fine if I turn on infinite fuel in the debug menu...
  13. This mod conflicts with KerbComAvionics, sadly. the Dry CoM marker still shows up, but the RCS translation guides do not, and when pressing a RCS directional key this mod believes there are no RCS units on the vessel. I'm not familiar enough with KerbComAvionics to tell you why exactly that's happening (perhaps its substituting some custom propulsion type for the rcs units, I don't know).
  14. Haha, derp. Meant to say nearly the same dV, not ISP. Edited my post. =P Still not sold on ion engines, but those are a number of interesting examples.
  15. I've never really liked ion engines. They take up very large amounts of resources, produce very little thrust, and after accounting for the additional needed parts to support the power requirements, I can't seem to create an ion powered craft that wouldn't be better implemented with a nuclear engine and a T400/T800 fuel tank. In all cases I've tried, nukes end up providing far better thrust, nearly the same Delta V, much lower part count and don't force you to worry about your craft being on the right side of a planet. So: When do you use Ion engines, and why?
  16. Very useful mod! I do find myself wishing for the ability to be able to group fuel tanks together and act on multiple tanks with one command though... Also: any chance there could be a way to transfer liquid fuel AND oxidizer at once? I can't count the times I've transferred liquid fuel without remembering to transfer the oxidizer. =( Great mod already though!
  17. FANTASTIC. I've always wanted to use this, but didn't find out about it until it was too far out of date to use. Glad its finally updated!
  18. You may be interested in this mod, which I believe can handle this in a number of ways. I'm just going from the description at the moment though, I'm afraid.... haven't gotten around to installing it yet. Something for me to do later today... TAC-Fuel Balancer
  19. This. One thousand times this (I went by the same rules with my submission). The assumption you should make when approaching a challenge is that flagrant use of glitches and exploits is against the rules unless otherwise stated. Challenges do not exist to be broken. they exist to be completed.
  20. Oh for the love of god, EVERYONE knows infinigliders are broken. Why would you think a challenge submission even begins to qualify as a glider if you use the magic forces applied by infinigliding to power it? Gliding is about UNPOWERED FLIGHT. The challenge is simple: Throw a glider as far as you can using no force applied to the glider but the thrust of a single SRB. Here is an example for you all. Take your flaps off and fly it for real.
  21. Already had the drop pod laying around. It was sitting on a nuclear-powered midstage for ascent though... harder to get an orbit without that.
  22. Can we please stop killing every challenge posted by crying about infiniglide exploits? We all know its broken. If the OP want's a challenge about how far you can glide off of the thrust from a single SRB, then the OP has a perfectly valid challenge. infiniglide is powered flight, not gliding. Remove all the control surfaces from your craft, and run the challenge without infiniglide. Yes, due to the nature of the challenge, the OP should have a rule that disallows infiniglide. But shooting down this challenge because the OP didn't know about infinigliding does nothing but hurt the community and make new players feel unwelcome.
  23. I've got something that'll work nicely for this after a little tweaking.... All solids to orbit and back you say? Hmm... I think I'll take that literally and land on solids as well. Parachutes are for the faint of heart.
  24. Hello, forum. I've been playing KSP for a while now (since .19, consistantly), and finally got around to buying it on steam. I don't want to start a debate on the ethics of piracy, but I will say that I would never have purchased this game at all if I hadn't pirated it. I downloaded the demo ages ago, gave up on it, not having had any fun, and would have continued to let this game fade out of memory if I hadn't given it a second chance torrenting the full (and substantially more up to date) version several months later. A big thank-you to the community for building awesome things. Your massive space stations, carriers, and many other oddities inspired me to make many creations of my own and got me interested enough in the game to give it not only my time of day, but finally my money as well.
  25. I hate making planes. They never work. But just this once, everything went perfectly. I present to you all the GFS Spitter, a superbly stable craft with very high maneuverability and an operating ceiling of 24km at 1400 m/s. This craft is airborne before 30 m/s when unburdened, and capable of 250 m/s at sea level. This craft comes loaded with two "bombs" (drop tanks) by default, which are inline with the plane's unloaded center of mass, allowing them to be dropped without altering flight characteristics. This is honestly the most stable craft I have yet seen, let alone built. It is capable of flying sever times the distance between KSC and the dirt runway without touching the controls, and requires no trim. (though of course later in flight it may be useful to shift fuel to maintain optimal balance) My favorite thing about this plane though is that it is so stable that (though still in .20) the control surfaces hardly move when SAS is on, a first for any plane I've yet seen. Spaceport Download Page
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