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Everything posted by rkimbal45

  1. What I did was I would extract each of the zips that I dl'd from the spaceport or wherever into a common folder modfolder --- mod1folder ---- parts ---- plugins ---- etc --- mod2folder ---- parts ---- plugins ---- etc --- etc so all my mods are seperated into their mod folders, but in one common place. THen I run the application and put in modfolder as the folder to start in. the program will search all the subfolders and edit the parts.cfg as it finds them. So far it has worked for me except for the old JOOL V parts. They didn't like having the new part.cfg file.
  2. IF this posted twice, I apologize.... Just in case anyone would be interested I put together an applet to update any mods you download that no one has been maintaining on their own to make them ".20" compatible. The utility doesn't fix compatibility issues other than making it possible to store the parts in the gamedata folder. Instructions: 1. extract your mods into folders. you can put them all in one place as long as you have a folder structure of some kind. mod1\parts mod2\parts or some such 2. Run the java app(it has only been tested on windows, but I did my best to make it agnostic so it could run on unix or mac as well in theory.) 3. put the path of where all the mods are or just the one mod you want to update 4. the application will edit each part.cfg it finds and add the needed modification (PART {}) 5. copy mod folders to gamedata folder. 6. enjoy. If anyone has any questions or problems, please reply in the thread. To make sure you don't blow up your install, copy these mod files somewhere else before modifying them(take a backup too as I do not offer a warranty) Click Here.
  3. Just in case anyone would be interested I put together an applet to update any mods you download that no one has been maintaining on their own to make them ".20" compatible. The utility doesn't fix compatibility issues other than making it possible to store the parts in the gamedata folder. I used it cause I did a fresh install of .20 and don't want to have to extract mods that don't work for me from now on if I can avoid it. If it is useful let please let me know. Instructions: 1. extract your mods into folders. you can put them all in one place as long as you have a folder structure of some kind. mod1\parts mod2\parts or some such 2. Run the java app(it has only been tested on windows, but I did my best to make it agnostic so it could run on unix or mac as well in theory.) 3. put the path of where all the mods are or just the one mod you want to update 4. the application will edit each part.cfg it finds and add the needed modification (PART {}) 5. copy mod folders to gamedata folder. 6. enjoy. If anyone has any questions or problems, please reply in the thread. To make sure you don't blow up your install, copy these mod files somewhere else before modifying them(take a backup too as I do not offer a warranty) Click Here.
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