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Everything posted by Raptor831

  1. Nice work. Grabbing those! For any interested, there are some other bays/covers like this in FASA (MOL bays), but they don't play nice with FAR. If you don't have FAR, then it doesn't matter!
  2. Looks nice! Looking forward to seeing how you get it all assembled.
  3. Those are from FASA. They're really nice, and you can walk your kerbals from the gantry to get in the pod.
  4. For everyone following the HUD issues: Looks like it may be an issue with RPM/MFD. I tested this with a clean install with just KSO added. Hud still messed up. Took out the GameData/Hyomoto/ folder, replaced the Ghost HUD config items with the example JSI hud config info, and it was "normal" for me, but I'm beginning to think it's not what's intended. This may be related to the PFD (which I've never seen with RPM or MFD on my end). Image links: KSO HUD, full install: http://cl.ly/image/2G3D3s143S3E Stock Cockpit HUD, with RPM: http://cl.ly/image/3F312p1j1F1I Presumed PFD in stock cockpit and HUD: http://cl.ly/image/110P0i3d1Z2l Might need to move this conversation over to the RPM and/or MFD threads...
  5. I've not had any issues with the "stock" RPM/MFD mod HUDs that I can recall. Although, with the wrangling I did to get my RAM usage below crash levels things might have changed! The video Westi29 just posted in this thread looks exactly like mine (though I'm sure that doesn't really help). If you take a peak, it is there it's just black/gray instead of green. I'll see if I can try the default JSI one, and I'll post back here if it works.
  6. The HUD hasn't ever worked for me, and I'm on a Mac, OS X 10.9. Someone mentioned texture compression as a possible cause, which I set the Active Texture Mod to ignore the RPM folder (unless they are somewhere else in the mod). I think Westi said he was on an iMac, so it could be a Mac (maybe Linux too??) issue. EDIT: @mdapol you can adjust whatever you want in the ModuleManager config. Read the MM directions on its thread to figure out how to change the other parameters, it's quite easy to do!
  7. What's your descent profile like? When I tested the cfgs I would usually be at around 1000-2000m before going sub-sonic. I also nosed up for as much of the reentry as I could, to bleed off speed. The deorbit maneuver is usually only around 100m/s, so if you come in real steep you're going to scream in like crazy no matter what you do. And I tend to come in almost ballistic right until the end when you pull up to land. It's an MM config, so heck, take a stab at the FAR settings! I borrowed most of the details from the stock FAR configs or the B9 mod configs, so I'm sure they could be improved. If you get something you like, post it up.
  8. Ok, I finally got the shuttle wings to work with the cargo bay. I was able to cfg-edit this thing into working order and make the bay not shield the wings at all. Only one catch: this will break your current crafts. Well, kind of. They'll load, but the wings will be clipped in the bay instead of on the outside. If you're building new ones, this won't matter. If you're using the prefab craft, you'll just need to reattach the wings and elevons on each side. MM config file: http://cl.ly/code/2o2U2i2b1v2M For those wondering, I just adjusted the position of the model. I'm not sure if this is simply a FAR thing or what, but the model origin is well outside the physical part. I tested positioning the part a bit in the cfg, and it works! It's not quite right, I could probably spend a bit more time trying to line it up just right. And the main gears are still shielded whenever the bay is closed, though that might be a feature, not a bug. In moving the positioning, current craft will look broken. I'd recommend finishing their flights first, but I don't believe you'll lose any craft/kerbals if you don't. I tested the flight with all of this, and it flies rather well. I'd strongly recommend dumping fuel before you reenter, as it's much more unstable with that weight in the back. It's right on the edge of pitch-instability when full of fuel using FAR. I didn't try any major glides or S-turns, so check those out. Also, be sure to set up the flaps on the wings as only flaps (or use them as control surfaces too, I guess...), and set your control surfaces as you like. My tests had the elevons on pitch/roll, the stabs as yaw, and the center-rear surface as pitch. You could try the stabs with pitch as well, if you need it. Test this out and see if I missed anything.
  9. Insertion Burn Every time they aerobrake bad things happen. Something gets damaged (and they have few spare parts left) or someone dies (Jool). Best to at least face the demon you can actually fight. If the cores decide to fail, at least there is a shutdown that can happen or something the crew can do. With an aerobrake, once you hit air you're at the mercy of the physics, and nothing can really help. Maybe a correction burn, but then we're back to burning anyway. Although, a combination of a light aerobrake in the upper atmosphere (if that's even worth doing on Duna...) and a burn might help. Lower Gs, less heat, less time using the fusion cores...
  10. That's what made me test it. The wing is just the right size to be almost completely inside the collision box (or whatever box that is...). I'm trying a few hunches with the cfg to see if I can coax it out. It's the "Break it 'till it's fixed" method. I could always just attach them wrongly and fly with invisible wings!
  11. I've been trying to figure out the FAR configs and tried some random stuff. A B9 wing surface attached on the area where the KSO wing attaches is not shielded in error. No matter where I attach the KSO wing, by node or forced surface attach (via Editor Extensions), it remains shielded when the bay closes. However! When I flip the wing so that it goes through the bay itself and pokes a bit out on the opposite side, it is NOT shielded by the bay. Anyone who's gotten the bay to shield, can you confirm this? I'm not an expert modder, but I would guess that the part is being seen (at least by FAR) as flipped. Is there a cfg edit to "flip" the part back?
  12. I think Jeb is teetering on the edge of sanity. He keeps dancing from one extreme to the other. C'mon Jeb, pull it together! They need to go to Duna, to at least figure out what happened to the crew. And maybe what the heck the signal is, and what the heck that derelict station is doing there. So many loose ends...
  13. Think it's this one: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-x-iss-space-station-pack-ver-0-03/ Don't have that myself, so I'm not sure, but it should be!
  14. I tested a hunch on my end. When I surface attached a different wing towards the back of the bay, it's not shielded. I tried surface attaching the KSO wings near the attach node, and they are still shielded. I didn't flip the process, so it may be tied to the KSO wing still. But, I'd hazard a guess that the bounding box is including those nodes (the gear is also shielded when the bay is closed and not when the bay is open). The model looks concave there, so who knows. I'm pretty sure the bounding box is tied to the model, which I can't fix with MM. Is there a way to force a part to not be shielded? Or maybe a node?
  15. I concur. Flipping the sign on that number didn't help.
  16. If you want the wings to make lift, I wouldn't do that. Apparently, when the bay is closed, it does shield items now, but that includes the wings for some reason. Which means no drag or lift on the wings and/or flaps. Yargh. Hey Ferram, any ideas on this one?
  17. You know, I knew it was something simple... :facepalm: Thanks Ferram.
  18. I just tried this. You can take the blank name texture from the OP. Open that up in GIMP. Make a new text object with Helvetica Bold (or Arial Bold) and set the font size to 24, anti-aliasing on. Type your name. Set the transparency of the text layer to about 40%. Use the shear tool, and shear the text by -6 in the y-direction. Stick the layer underneath the door in the lower right. Repeat this again up until the shear, and do that in positive 6 y-direction. Place it below the door in the upper left. Export the image back out as a .tga, and you should be set. The above should match the original textures pretty well. You could also just slap plain black text in those spots too, but I always like to match as closely as possible.
  19. Hrm, I should have thought about that one. I think it has something to do with FAR's drag model getting applied, as in the logs the part has no drag model at all. It might just need someone to define a drag model within the cfg for it and all might be fine. @Boamere the B9 cargo bays were what I compared it to. They use Firespitter for the animations and end up shielding with FAR, just like the mod in the quote. That's why I've been scratching my head. My guess is that FAR assumes only two nodes (stack top, stack bottom) or at least everything inline, and this cargo bay has two stack nodes, one internal node for payload/airlock, and two side nodes for wing attachments. It might just be confusing the crap out of FAR. RE: OMS engines. I've found if you set the pitch trim on those to 10, it flies straight almost without any input. Now if only MechJeb could take the hint and place the nose 10 degrees off the maneuver node...
  20. You're welcome. Mostly I just wanted it to work properly for myself, so I figured I'd share whatever I could get together. The numbers are as close as I can guess, so if you've got better ones or want to tweak the playability, please do!
  21. Flaps are working: http://cl.ly/code/3f2Q2b1n1j1k Still no shielding cargo bay. Might need to talk with Ferram about it, as I'm out of ideas. Also, to use the flaps you need to use FAR's controls, and not simply the "Toggle Flaps" option. Toggle flaps just makes it look pretty, but does nothing to the aerodynamics. I came in on an approach to uneven ground, had to dodge a large crest, and came down in one piece, if not a bit hard. I think I was at ~12-15 m/s sink rate and everything held. Hit a bump that clipped a wing, and an unplanned disassembly followed. Eh, the point is it flies nice. You still can't glide all over the place, but it should give you some nice fudge room. The landing zone in the OP should still be about right. Try around ~100-120 m/s maneuver from a 80km orbit and you will probably be in the ballpark.
  22. The thing is, the name of the part includes the string "Cargo Bay" just like the B9 cargo bays. I feel like I'm missing something so simple!
  23. In one sense Rozer is right. Jeb's the reason for all the craziness. I think Rozer is oversimplifying to imply that Jeb's caused all of these deaths, especially since Rozer is equally to blame. Had Rozer not been a total prick in the first part and figured out a working relationship with Jeb, they would have avoided this stuff as well. Cuts both ways. And as much as I can't bring myself to hate Rozer, he's still a prick.
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