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Mr.Desmond Tiny

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Everything posted by Mr.Desmond Tiny

  1. I'm sure high school has worse homework Blazing, considering I'm going to be a freshman this year, aka 9th grade. Not looking forward to having all adv. courses, but hey, if it gets me into a good college, I certainly don't mind. I'm my school district, we have grades 6-8 as middle school, so I guess my school district must seem weird to you guys
  2. I was reading the changelog in the first post, and I noticed that you said I was writing up a plugin. Naten, I thought I told you I have no coding experience, except for some experience with javascript Plus high school is coming up with all honors, basically means that in a little while (2 weeks or so) I might not be able to help out, so any last things that need to be made/tweaked would be great if you sent me PM for it. Just a heads up
  3. Looking over the thread, amazing work! Maybe you could teach me something when it comes to creating good textures
  4. Warsoul, you may have good intentions, but please, do not continue this project. You have posted this 'community project' multiple times, which is spam. You are asking people to do 7/8 of the work, while you created only the model. You even said it yourself that it only took 6 minutes to create that model. Yet here you are, asking people to give you work which will take hours of free time to make, and you want it to be all A-grade quality, from the community. You are basically asking for handouts, so you can have glory from work other people did You even called modders 'Snobs' in you'r other forum post! You sir, are spamming the ksp forums, please desist and discontinue.
  5. I'm reading over all the new posts, and I personally think that two separate packs is best. Lets create one pack with the special fuel system, and the other without, that way people get a choice. It would the best way to get everyone what they want. If they want realistic fuel parts, or stock-alike parts, they can have either. That, however, might take lots of time, so all stock works as well. Plus Blazing has a point, the majority of people might prefer stock compatible parts. So again, I go back to the double pack idea. It might take the most time, but hey, if it does the best, why not? There might be a slight problem in the future with this though. I'm sure at least some of you have heard of Modular Fuel Systems? This mod does exactly that, so if it ever gets updated, it might nullify the use of the 'Realistic' fuel pack. Link to MFS: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31706-0-20-Modular-Fuel-System-1-3-realistic-fuels-reconfigurable-fuel-tanks-and-engines
  6. Great job on the texturing and getting the model into the game Blazing, and nice fuel tank Naten, not very hard to create, I assume?
  7. Great model! You are definitely improving As for my unused model, if you aren't going to use it as the Cr-5 Vacuum, that's completely fine. Making it into another engine type is just as good. As for fuel tanks, I think those should be made next; making rockets is great, but whats the point if they they have no fuel, plus it'll give probes something else to carry around One last thing, Blazing, we haven't really seen a texture from you in a little while, mind showing us what you've done so far
  8. Looking at your models, you're doing pretty good so far, but you'r models seem to be a bit low-poly, make things a bit more smooth such as this: -removed- This is a model I created a little while ago, and it is licensed under Compact Rocketry. If you make you'r models smooth like the one above, and you take the textures and make them all continuous to one another, you'll have some top notch parts to play with
  9. Alright, tweaked the SB-X1, tell me what you guys think : (EDIT) Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qhjvd80eizvcg4i/sbx1modeltweaked.blend
  10. Nice model Naten, if you want to tweak it just send me a PM
  11. Forgot to post the download link for the cluster engine Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lya5sehav84mn0k/cr7clusterEngineReskined.blend (EDIT) Didn't know you were sleep deprived Blazing.Think it'd be in your best interests to take a day off and catch up on some sleep Also, interesting texturing you have going on there as well One last thing that might help you out; in blender, in edit mode, you can select vertices in a certain area with the b key, and if you need to multi-select vertices, shift-b helps as well. Just in case you didn't know
  12. Ah, my bad. Sorry, didn't know you joined this until today. Sorry for the confusion
  13. Hey Blazing, read this, and couldn't help but wonder why you thought that. I mean, I can see you are clearly busy, but if you think it was an accident, why are you still working for us? Kinda sad to hear you don't want to keep working with us
  14. Thanks for the compliment I think for the next few parts we might want to move into fuel tanks and the like.
  15. Hey guys, I made another engine, couldn't resist detailing it:
  16. Alright, I tweaked the Cr5 engine with only the tweaks you wanted Naten, here it is along with the download: Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qmlti426awuuecz/cr5model.blend
  17. Alright, back from the flight, I will begin tweaking the engine. Should be up in a few hours, might not get it done though, since its currently 2 am here, but it'll be up later today for sure. (EDIT) Almost forgot! Naten, I will add the small tweaks to the cr5 model, and you can just call the re-skinned model a different engine. That way you will still have the original cr5 model with only the small tweaks. Didn't want to ruin something you designed
  18. Not bad, I'll add the details that were suggested. Also, Naten, please tell me if you just want me to add the tweaks you want, or if you want a complete remodel, like I'm currently doing. Here's the engine that got remodeled: (EDIT) Here is the download link for the engine on the first page and this engine as well: (They are separate files) https://www.dropbox.com/s/8kf18446ljyw7vl/Fourth%20Engine.blend https://www.dropbox.com/s/kvbj4dlx88oxcjp/cr5modelCurrent.blend I am going to be flying in a few hours to Illinois, so I will not be able to reply for the rest of today most likely
  19. Great job! The texture so far looks great to me, and you said that you haven't even finished However, can we see what the texture looks like from afar? Can't really see the whole engine that close up. Can't wait for the finished version
  20. Hey guys, I'm back, sorry if I seemed like I was ignoring this thread, my life got busy recently. Anywho, I will begin tweaking the models, and I will also PM you the engine model I made Naten.
  21. I'd like to join your team Naten, I am a modeler, though, but I'd still like to help. I know how to use unity, and have been able to get parts into the actual game if you are having trouble, and I know how to make part.cfgs as well. Here's the latest part I've made, to show that I am (Hopefully) a good modeler:
  22. Thanks for the tip, I'll make sure to keep it in mind.
  23. Hello! I am currently still new to the community, and am looking to see if it is good enough to give me a little bit of help. As the title of the thread reads, I am currently looking for sketches of parts. The reason why is because of this: I am in the modding community, and I am looking to make some parts that people will want to have, hopefully. So I decided to get into making parts in blender, and this is what happened to be my first part: (Please don't hate it to death) Not very good model or texture, right? So I took inspiration from the KW Rocketry part pack, and made my third engine. (I am not going to show the second engine to save space) This is how it turned out: Much better, right? (Please note I am terrible at texturing, and I am going to give the job of texturing to someone else, so this doesn't have a texture as of yet) After seeing how much better the third engine looked, I realized then that I am bad at imagining what good looking parts looked like, and here I am. So basically, any parts you want to see made, I'll try and make for you, as long as you submit a sketch, such as a drawing on paper. Thanks!
  24. Did you make sure your entire craft had a collision mesh enabled? In unity, to show that something has a mesh, it uses a color code. This color coding consists of green "Wires" surrounding your engine. Also, just to make sure, are you using a .dae mesh around your engine? If you are, KSP no longer uses .dae files, making anything using those files useless.
  25. I'm reading through this, having created parts myself, and I instantly saw the answer to your problems. KSP doesn't load .dae files anymore, they are outdated along with the tutorials you probably read up on. Delete the .dae file and everything should be fine.
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