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Everything posted by elfindreams

  1. Great stuff, but can you link to the image, right now it is just showing a "thumbnail" (512x320 I think) which doesn't give enough detail to understand it at all.
  2. I think we are swinging a tad off topic but that being said: http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/Resources.Load.html http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/Resources.UnloadAsset.html
  3. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/hooligan-labs-party-starter-max-kerbals-before-launch/
  4. Just a curiosity, how about the ability to "copy" a part... something like: PART[StationHubLarge] { @name = StationHubLargeNew @rescaleFactor = 2 @breakingForce = 630 @breakingTorque = 630 @mass = 3 @title = Rockomax HubMax Multi-Point Connector Mk2 @description = Like the original, only larger. } It would be awesome for those of us who love to resize parts
  5. Makes me consider trying my hands at some modding and coming up with a way to select available parts/textures or selecting a set of ships before launch... so if I am not going to use certain parts in that particular session, I can make them go away temporarily. I wonder if you can trigger KSP to force re-load the parts/textures so it could be done without relaunching... gonna have to noodle this some.
  6. LOL then it is working perfectly I want no Beyonce in my KSP sorry couldn't resist it was too fun a typo... (it is Buoyancy btw) As for the actual message, electricity would be cool IMO, however air intakes I don't think make sense since the idea (as I understand it) is that these are theoretical vacuum balloons. (at least the new one is)
  7. I took a quick break from work and reproduced it.... https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8a1K8EUgZmVY2Q1a0JKQUNBUkE&usp=sharing Screenshots and log. Just a note, as you might notice in the log I tried a number of things, I am not sure what the differences are but it only happened sometimes and it only happened a distance from KSC... it couldn't be reproduced on the pad or right after launch.
  8. I would but it happened late last night (ok early this morning) and I didn't think to get them. I will try and recreate the problem later.
  9. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9396-0-20-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build?p=441264&viewfull=1#post441264 Specifically item #2
  10. I just realized what these were screenshots of.... I posted a vid a bit later where i launched from atmo... how did you get everything to stay stable, I had a dickens of a time keeping the platform stable enough (the ships kept sliding off)? Also that green "pod" what mod is that? Same questions with the asteroids... I really like your airbase.
  11. Weird airship mishap / Bug report. I had a multistage rocket/airship combo that I got into orbit to do a rescue mission. It had a top stage with one of the "parachute balloons" (sorry game isn't in front of me to give you names) a command pod and a couple of the tin cans along with some backup parachutes (good that I had these as you will soon see). Second stage was my main tanks (RCS and fuel), engine and two of the new fancy cirrus balloons. I got up into orbit rescued the kerbels, started my descent and when the bottom stage ran out of fuel (in high atmo, using it to slow/target the descent) dropped it like a lead balloon (all balloons were deployed at 100%). At which time I lost all balloon control (the window disappeared completely) and the remaining balloon didn't seem to function at all (waited till about 1k to deploy backup 'chutes). NOTE: later switching back to the ship during the rescue mission for the rescue mission [they landed a bit off target about 10k away from KSC] the balloon was functional again so it hadn't "snapped off"
  12. Just for fun... what happens when you combine balloons and this mod... I will be editing it, annotating and putting it on youtube some time later tomorrow [i had already done so but youtube ate my video...] but thought I would share the raw vid now EDIT: youtube resurrected the annotated version... sort of youtube link is up annotations might or might not work...
  13. Well, yes... but that wasn't the mental exercise... I was trying to figure out how it could scan multiple planets while doing other things in the game... I don't particularly care because I leave it on overnight and at work, but it seems some people do care and it was an idea.
  14. The key isn't how often FixedUpdate vs Update is called it is based on the cycle time of the modules. I don't have the code or game in front of me so I am going to invent some numbers Say you have one scanner with a scan time of 1.5s, it hits an update and sees it hasn't added anything in over 1.5s, it puts a dot... repeat over the planets surface you will have missing dots due to gaps in scan time... If you have three scanners each with a scan time of 1.5s you can stagger them so they are .5s apart and detect 3 dots for every one of the other scenerio... (one scanner triggers on time 0, the next on .5s, the next on 1s, then it cycles back to scanner #1).
  15. Hmm, the talk about background scanning got me thinking... I wonder if it would be possible to make an out of game process, schedule it to run periodically an monitor the autosave. Since the autosave has orbit numbers for the craft it could cache all the appropriate mapping sattelite's orbits and position, then when the autosave changes it 1: Verifies the satellite is still there and in the same orbit. 2: If it is, update the map data and artifacts.dat file appropriate for the amount of time that has passed and the terrain passed over. Then just make sure the plugin checks for changes in those files instead of trusting only a memory loaded version. It would be a lot of maths but since it is out of process from KSP it shouldn't impact KSP's performance as much as how it is being done now.,.. maybe? *shrug* just some random thoughts on my end.
  16. Thanks! Please don't interpret my call for clarification as anything more than just my own confusion, thanks for all the work you have put into this, it seems like it adds a lot to KSP.
  17. Oh right, 32bit... my bad. Ug that explains some things.
  18. I think the confusion is coming from what is "the next version of Kethane" The plugin was released at/with a modified .4.4 Kethane and since then .5 Kethane has come out. So the question is is .5 "the next version of Kethane" or is whatever is after .5 "the next version of Kethane" If the latter, can we get a modified modified Kethane that updates the Kethane code to .5 while still maintaining compatibility with this new mod since .5 added and changed a lot to the Kethane pack.
  19. Yea, I am guessing you are right... 4gb of memory is a bit light. Even vanilla after a short while we are talking 3gb of utilization for KSP, I usually estimate 1gb for OS/system processes. MapSat and MechJeb seem to add at least 200mb of memory from what I have seen (estimate, just eyeballing it here not precise). And I don't think KSP deals well with being swapped out to virtual memory. Not sure what to tell you except might want to start looking at updating memory. Regrettably memory is still in a high spike (http://www.overclockers.com/ram-prices-remain-high/) but still 4gb is really really low these days.
  20. Yea I did the same thing when I first installed
  21. Do you have a GameData/Innsewerants Space Agency/Plugins/PluginData/ISA_MapSat/guiTextures directory (exactly as written, none of it renamed/etc, verify spelling, spacing, caps, all of it)?
  22. Ok, for us to be able to help you all, we need more than "it don't work". Here are a few steps (compiled) that have helped others. If you want us to help further we need to know you have done at least these: 1) Did you download the version from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/414-0-20-Dev-build-of-Mapsat-4-available-and-blog-update instead of the one on the first message? 2) When you installed the version listed above, did you put in in the GameData directory /as is/, you should have a GameData/Innsewerants Space Agency/Plugins/PluginData/ISA_MapSat/guiTextures directory, if you don't you won't get the map icon or any of the correct buttons. YOU CANNOT RENAME THE "Innsewerants Space Agency" PART (caps for emphasis only) or move any of the directories around. 3) If you are having performance issues, go into your network adapters and disable all unused ones. You should have one and only one active network adapter (this is a problem with KSP/Unity). 4) Have you removed any detritus from the old version out of your Parts/Plugins/etc. You can't use your old maps easily, just don't even try. 5) Check the size of your ARTIFACTS.DAT if it is large, you may have to eliminate duplicates. See http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9396-0-20-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build?p=420617#post420617 for windows or http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/9396-0-20-ISA-MapSat-4-0-Dev-Build?p=418635&viewfull=1#post418635 for linux/mac Once you have done all five let us know that you have done all five and we can go from there. If you don't let us know what you have tried already, we don't know what you haven't tried and can't really help.
  23. Apparently some of the load issues have been fixed by people disabling any network connectors that are not in use (so if you have vmware or bluetooth stack or a wireless and wired nic, go into control panel and disable the interfaces that are not in use). Not sure if it will help anyone with the stuttering/crashing/etc but worth a try.
  24. One thing that might be affecting folks is if you rename the directory under the GameData directory it won't work right... it has to be GameData\Innsewerants Space Agency\Parts GameData\Innsewerants Space Agency\Plugin and so on.
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