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Everything posted by Hrut

  1. hello to all this is my research station for the Mun and Minmus http://www./?6ttthgtx6rfodwr includes:mk1 cockpit and 2 okto(for vertical flight)+MechJeb module, ppd10 for sleep, 1 kethane converter unit, 4x4000 kethane tank+1 tank must be empty for normal flight, 6 drilling unit, RCS fuel tanks - 1500, liquidfuel - 4572 oxidizaer - 5588 features: only vertical accelerate, engines can also be used to accelerate and brake on ground, balance is not disturbed when the fuel is used, unlimited range of research for the mun and minmus =) mods: DamnedRobotics, ISA MapSat, B9 Aerospace Pack R2 5, MechJeb, Kethane Mod, Nova Punch, Taverio’s Pizza and Aerospace, KW Rocketry, KAS – Kerbal Attachment System... ..may have missed something... control: 2/1 - up/down drill, 3- open/close container, 5-shutdown engine, 6-toogle engine, 7-rotate engine, 8 off additional lighting, 9 - toggle drill, 0 toggle panels. landing on Minmus:
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