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Everything posted by techstepman

  1. hmmm the solar halo sounds interesting,cant wait to see pics of it.its ok with the heat shields.its just that the aren't many of them around. that's some solid thinking.release the basics and then see how it goes.Waiting with anticipation to see how this pack will come out to be! hmmm I was looking at the parts and think that the only thing missing is an adapter with a little bit more length.probably a 1.25 to 2.5.
  2. no menus were blurred!it was as if I never put the enbseries.ini from the the dof optional folder. seemed kind of weird so tried it many times.never worked.there was no blurring whatsoever.read the ini,the dof was on but in game there was no hint of any dof.did you check it for 0.23?then again I cant think of any way that it wouldn't work on 0.23.
  3. thanks for making this...but it looks kind of pointless other than messing around with the colour palette and making things look sharper. the DoP did not work.If it does please provide a screenshot were we can see the effect. how can we change palettes during gameplay?alt-tab-copy-paste? overall I was always positive about enbs for ksp but apparently they don't do much.unless the files I downloaded from spaceport were not correct. P.S. I definitely wanna see a screenshot with DoP. running game version 0.23 almost all moons turned red in map mode and tracking center in the end the only thing worth in this enb is the DoF(which didn't wok for me).cant see any reason why anyone would use it no offence.ive used enbs in the tes games and the fallouts.this one I don't like.
  4. first successful shuttle say hello to my cargo bay overpowered ppts
  5. got really confused cause I read too many posts...will this be released or is it already out?the pics were so awesome that I forgot what I read about.from all those pics and progress updates is it safe to assume that all original mod creators have given permission for the release of this pack?well basicly what im asking is:is this really for real?cause the textures and everything else look like they came from my dreams!
  6. if this mod is as good as I hope then it will definitely become one of my top 3 most used mods!take your time and make something that you like and enjoy!the idea of the first post is great.By doing this you'll allow everyone to make costum modules and capsules to fit our needs.When you can ,throw us some more progress pics.Till now it looks really good.i like your color scheme too!i've been waiting for something like these parts for a long time. can you please tell me whats the concept behind the "solar halo"? will solar panels come out from that part and unfold all round?will they be able to track the sun?it looks really interesting. Also one request: how about heat shields for 2.5 and 1.25?they don't really have to work with deadly reentry.just to make any capsule that might be able to be created with these parts better looking and also a decapler that will hide those heat shields?...just throwing that out there.
  7. great mod!its really immersive and makes u feel more like a modern astronaut! is it ready for 0.23?got some issues in the alcor lander.
  8. great lander model! and love the 3 person capacity.thanks a lot! have a few issues with the screens.might reinstall the plugin
  9. what?the "i wish"?...yeah yeah ok i just thought that in this thread we post unedited images(obviously im wrong), so yeah i blindly hoped that this was actuall game footage from some update or mod i might have missed.but what i dont really get is this:"Now look at the palm of your hand and move it rapidly towards your face."...please spare me the attitude.
  10. wait a minute!what textures are that?are we even playing the same game?i can see kerbin in the distance and correct me if im wrong but...are those clouds?even the mun textures look kind of different.how did you do that?
  11. i can only give u 2 solutions.either delete those items from the b9 pack in your gamedata or delete some other mod that you dont really use so much.to be certain that deleting a mod will affect your performance(positively) you should check to see how many Mb that mod is.for example i remember that KWrocketry is about 408 Mb!!!that is killing the game.so i got rid of most of its items that i didnt use.most problems with crashing are usually ram issues.the less mods you have and as long as you keep your crafts parts within a reasonable amount you wont have to worry about the game crashing. hope that helps a little
  12. first successfull ship.still a prototype.never expected it to actually fly not even mention getting a stable high orbit.
  13. the current set up of the enb was painfull to the eyes.truthfully...it took me some time to achieve the visual results i wanted in skyrim so i'll wait to see other peoples configurations.the bloom was too much and even though it felt kind of more realistic the lighting was too extreme in some cases. no issues though for me.it worked perfectly.only one thing:i couldnt get screenshots. current setup:windows 7 proffesional 64,16 gb ram,intel core i7 3930k @3.20 GHz,amd radeon HD 7900 4095 Mb
  14. nice will download and see how it looks.its about time someone made the effort to do something about ksp graphics!
  15. hey guys!will cbbp be updating this? if not can somebody help me by telling me what to do to get this to work perfectly in the current game version?
  16. is this mod developement active?cause i cant wait for it!
  17. how is the valkyie comming along?
  18. where can i get that donut-like tank under the lander pod?
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