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Everything posted by blizzy78

  1. Looking for a developer to take over this software! See this thread for details. Hi, based on Temstar's rocket calculation guide I have made an online engine cluster calculator: http://blizzy.de/asparagus/ This calculator can be used to configure an engine cluster layout for a central stack and attached booster stacks. It calculates which engines you need and how many of them, both for the central stack and the booster stacks in an asparagus-style staging. Please let me know what you think or what can be improved about it. Thanks! Change Log 2014-05-22 - Updated for NovaPunch 2.04. 2014-04-08 - Updated for KSP 0.23.5 and NovaPunch 2.03.5. 2013-12-21 - Updated for KSP 0.23.0 and SMP - You can now choose to use thrust limiting. 2013-11-20 - Added RLA Stockalike 0.9.1 (6 new engines.) 2013-11-15 - You can now choose to calculate for best Isp at sea level. 2013-11-11 - Updated for SMP and KW Rocketry 2.5.5. 2013-11-09 - Updated for SMP 2013-11-08 - You can now choose to consider only true radial engines for the radial spot. 2013-11-04 - Updated for KOSMOS SSPP 4.7.2. - Users may stop calculations at any time now. - While calculating, the current best configuration is shown. - Many more possible engine combinations are considered now. - You can now choose to calculate for lowest total engines mass. 2013-10-18 - Updated for KSP 0.22.0, KW Rocketry 2.5.4, and NovaPunch 2.03. 2013-10-06 - Added a tutorial that shows how to build a complete rocket using a calculated cluster layout. 2013-10-05 - Updated for KW Rocketry 2.5.2. - Disabled RD-0146 and RD-0146-N2 from KOSMOS SSPP because their atmosphere curve is not suitable for ascent. 2013-10-03 - Radial engines are supported now. 2013-10-02 - Updated for KOSMOS SSPP 4.7. 2013-09-30 - Updated for KW Rocketry 2.5. 2013-09-21 - Removed Aerospike and clones for the time being. 2013-08-31 - You can now chose to calculate for best TWR (complete vessel), best TWR (engines only), or minimum number of engines. - Added informational tooltips for engines. 2013-08-20 - Updated for KOSMOS SSPP 4.6. 2013-08-18 - Added lots of engines from popular part packs. 2013-08-18 - Initial public release. Source code on GitHub
  2. Found another bug: When attaching parts radially or at the top/bottom (off-center), they don't change their position relative to tank size. This might not be so bad for parts attached radially, but for parts attached to top/bottom this is bad because there will always be a gap when resizing a tank, or they will clip into the tank when making it bigger. This does not happen when using the regular vertical stack attach nodes, parts will move with them.
  3. I've actually never seen this before, this is the very first time. Oh, and it seems to be reproduceable with the craft there.
  4. That's the plugin I've been waiting for. However, I think I have found a bug. I have an Apollo-style craft (craft file here *) that lifts off perfectly. The first asparagus stage also separates fine. But shortly before the second stage separation, this happens. It looks like some of the stretchy tanks somehow breaks and starts to stretch infinitely. * Note that you will need quite a few plugins to use the craft file. Posting it here just in case. Contact me for a list of plugins needed. Edit: I think the lines visible are 3 fuel lines and 6 struts, stretched quite some length. This conincides with the craft design. Edit 2: Just added another screenshot showing a closeup of the lander. The outer tanks are attached using 3-times symmetry, with fuel lines going into the middle tank. Please also note that the lifter section (not visible in the screenshot) does not use stretchy tanks, but only stock. Also on a different note, there seems to be some Z-fighting going on when attaching a LV-909 to the bottom of a stretchy tank.
  5. You can just run the patcher.exe, it will update your game to the latest version as well as restoring missing files.
  6. Since Isp is a measurement of fuel efficiency, it does not change no matter how many engines of the same type you add.
  7. Or just put a pancake tank between the orange tank and the main sail. Problem solved.
  8. Please note that as of MechJeb 2.0.9, it doesn't use SAS at all, which I personally think is a shame. It literally tries to be better than SAS, but fails.
  9. Nope, they're separate plugins. I've decided not to bundle them into one download. No. Generally you put all files/folders as they are in the download. So if there's a GameData\, you put everything in it into your GameData\. Same for saves\ - if it's there, put everything in it into your saves\. In case there are folders that already exist (like saves\training\), you generelly don't delete yours but simply drop the new data besides existing data. Sorry, but for in-game tutorials there is no way to have everything under GameData\. The flight scene itself has to go into saves\training\ Thanks, let me know how it turns out.
  10. Just to clear up any confusion that might be there: - ASAS is no more (since 0.21) - SAS is the "computer", it uses reaction wheels, RCS, wings, and the like, but it can't do anything if used alone. - To provide actual rotational capabilities, add reaction wheels, RCS, wings, etc. for SAS to use - You only need exactly one SAS computer per craft. There is no use in stacking multiple, although it doesn't hurt at all if they come with torque-providing parts, for example.
  11. I guess it's predicting according to its own landing profile, which most probably you don't follow.
  12. Did you download the rendezvous tutorial? If both are installed, your installation should look like this: GameData\ blizzy\ DockingTutorial\ DockingTutorial.dll ... other stuff ... [*] RendezvousTutorial\ RendezvousTutorial.dll ... other stuff ... [*] saves\ training\ E_Docking.sfs E_Rendezvous.sfs That is to say, the file under saves\training\ must be installed, too - it contains the save file that will be loaded up when you start the tutorial.
  13. Perhaps you might want to use MechJeb. You don't need to use its landing autopilot, but it can also display estimated landing site or orbit after aerocapture.
  14. Completed my big Mun base program today. Also, released a new rendezvous tutorial plugin.
  15. Perhaps you might want to check out my new in-game rendezvous tutorial? (see signature)
  16. Hi, seeing that there isn't an interactive in-game tutorial that teaches rendezvous, I thought I'd just make one. Download Rendezvous Tutorial from SpacePort To start the tutorial, select Start Game > Training > Rendezvous from the main menu and follow instructions. Please let me know what you think! (For additional plugin discussion please also see the Addons forum thread.)
  17. Looking for a plugin developer to take over this plugin! See this thread for details. I've made a plugin that uses the interactive in-game tutorial system to teach rendezvous maneuvers. Download Rendezvous Tutorial 1.1.0 Please let me know what you think or what can be improved about it. Thanks! In case you're interested, I've also made an in-game docking tutorial and an in-game moon travel tutorial. Changes: 1.1.0, 2013-08-28 - Players may skip back to previous tutorial pages now. - Minor improvements. 1.0.1, 2013-08-19 - Vessel now has infinite fuel so that the player does not have to care about that. 1.0.0, 2013-08-15 - Initial public release. The Rendezvous Tutorial is licensed under the GNU GPL v3.
  18. Place the flag outside of the launchpad circle and it'll stay.
  19. An alternative is to use the SelectRoot plugin: - Add the new command part where you want it. - Select this new part as the new root part using the plugin - Remove the old part from the rocket.
  20. You'll get better the more you practice. I don't think it's really necessary to compare e-p... here.
  21. Seeing that this thread is still active, I thought I'd chime in. For people still having problems getting docking to work, perhaps you might want to check out my in-game docking tutorial plugin. It uses the game's tutorial system to try and teach docking maneuvers.
  22. KSP Wiki: Synchronous orbit: 2868.75 km. But it's not so much the apoapsis and periapsis that have to be exact to be in a synchronous orbit, but the orbit's semi-major axis.
  23. The 800 Isp won't change because it is a measurement of fuel efficiency. No matter how many engines of the same model you add, you can't change fuel efficiency that way.
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