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Mr. Rogue Ace

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Everything posted by Mr. Rogue Ace

  1. At least you have an objective every day. send another rover but have it as a power source and attach it to the back, or wherever
  2. I saw the game before .18 (don't know exactly when) but didn't look into it more. Then around March/April this year, a friend of mine on steam started trying the demo, I go and look at it, download the demo and got caught in it. Then I spread the game to +30 people :3
  3. I suffer from texture errors because of a lack of a nice enough graphics card, so Mechjeb makes things easier for me.
  4. Hawaii Moon! It honestly looks like a wonderful vacation area!
  5. Don't worry, I've heard of KSP before what must've been around .15 and didn't even acknowledged it. I think I confused it for SCP, which I did knew what that was... Just got it last month....
  6. Without the lore involved, it looks like a nice vacation area! I sent Jeb there
  7. When this happens: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37109-Easter-Hunt-%28no-spoilers-though%29-%28picture-heavy%29
  8. ~Not finding and buying the game sooner~ ~Not having an amazing computer (or at least not a better graphics card) to run the shaders for this game~ ~Stabbing a kraken with a flag and tried to get away with it (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/37109-Easter-Hunt-%28no-spoilers-though%29-%28picture-heavy%29)~
  9. I used to watch stuff on netflix, sorta still do, but since I got MechJeb it's been a whole lot quicker.
  10. Before I got mechjeb (which made some things easier in that area), I made a space station, all by hand, difficult as hell. Of course, if you know me so far, I suffer from texture issues, so basicly it was a miracle getting all the items to it. The image was on a better computer that I don't have access to 24/7
  11. I had to ALT+F4 to quit the game, which loaded everything to the last save. So yeah, it was alright
  12. Protip: Hit F1 for a instant screenshot! Brotip: Hit F2 for no HUD
  13. I downloaded ISA Map/Sat and Mechjeb and headed off to find them Easter Eggs! My main goal was to find the Kraken on Bop, and I did! (no screenshots for you ). I decided Jebediah should live on Laythe after planting a flag on the Kraken, headed back to my lander to discover this: My Auk II Lander decided that it wanted to float. Then, trying to get onto the ship I got eaten by the Pod. I decided to switch to the lander but the camera decided to go into the ground, so I switched back to Jeb and found out this happened. The lander became a drill which burrowed deep into center of bop! After awhile I noticed it was coming back! I tried to get to the area first but... Popped back up for a second. Then went back in. Jebediah was stuck on bop and I couldn't even end flight!
  14. Looks like you made the rover from Moonbase Alpha
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