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Everything posted by moraruâ„¢

  1. so why are the anomalies burried ? ive been there plenty times to find that thing and its under ground??? why?
  2. thanks for this mod guys! eveen though i didnt know what i was doing i managed to change the colors of the suit and the items on it... THANKSS!
  3. hey yea its the mech jeb from the link i have up.. im new to the forums i couldn't find the mech jeb 2 , if u post the link here i could update them
  4. those are there to show you thats what they will do in zero gravity - they are probes and photoshop ? well idk but i learnt it cuz of the lense flares
  5. ICARUS CLASS ROVERS [sTOCK] There is more to these then meets the eye! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33963-STOCK-MOD-moraru%E2%84%A2-ROVERS-v-20-2/page3
  6. ICARUS CLASS ROVERS [sTOCK] There is more to these then meets the eye! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33963-STOCK-MOD-moraru%E2%84%A2-ROVERS-v-20-2/page3
  7. ICARUS ROVERS [sTOCK] Once again hope you guys have fun! There is more to these then meets the eye! https://www.dropbox.com/s/jprk42knd9ozd8u/ICARUS%20ROVERS%20BY%20MORARU%20%5BSTOCK%5D.zip
  8. QUOTE=Mekan1k;436280]I spy with my little eye.... B9 Parts! You tried to land a b9 craft out there, didn't you?QUOTE lol
  9. pretty cool looks like they will never run out of juice cuz of all that sun energy, batteries and fuel!!
  10. is this close to what you had in mind?
  11. and more coming soon @ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33963-STOCK-MOD-moraru%E2%84%A2-ROVERS-v-20-2
  12. experimenting with some new low gravity cruzers and all terrain rovers that are coming soon @ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33963-STOCK-MOD-moraru%E2%84%A2-ROVERS-v-20-2
  13. experimenting with some new STOCK low gravity cruzers and all terrain rovers that are coming soon
  14. i think that image shack automatically re sized it to a smaller version the game will further re size it for you and make it smaller automatically so the flag in game will be sharper
  15. u were right i just got it, thankyou very much monkthespy edit: everything should work now both stock and mod should work now (it was the radial parachute - it looked the same as the stock but it was modded)
  16. do you have the older version of mech jeb?MechJeb 1.9.8 9 for the 19 patch?- i used only 3 parts from mods (all the rest is stock, not sure why u cant load them )
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