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Everything posted by moraruâ„¢

  1. I hope he is! here are the stock versions: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nblpxmlrnv6suum/STTI%20ROVERS%20BY%20MORARU%20%5BSTOCK%5D%20%282%29.zip warning: stock rovers have not been tested & some may have varied looks and varied balance do to the replacement of the moded parts
  2. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33963-moraru%E2%84%A2-ROVERS-v-20-2?p=422924#post422924 it is an older version... STOCK VERSION of the rovers http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33963-moraru%E2%84%A2-ROVERS-v-20-2?p=423052#post423052
  3. here is all the information & new link . Sorry about that http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33963-moraru%E2%84%A2-ROVERS-v-20-2?p=422924#post422924
  4. moraru™ The following Rovers need 3 mods in order to show up in your saves ships file Presenting to you the Rovers lens flares not included https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqbsokriefxkcx1/STTI%20ROVERS%20BY%20MORARU.zip Important information: i am using KSP version 20.2 (the most up to date one) * you are going to need MOST up to date MODS, found @ the space port to download, in order for the rovers to show up! ** In total you are going to need 3 mods: 1. older version [0.19] MechJeb 1.9.8 9 PRAT NAME: mumech_MechJebAR202 found @ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mechjeb/ 2. The most current SPACETECH – Landing Program 2.5m (V1.5) PART NAME: ST_RadialEngine found @ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/st-spacetech-landing-program-v1-0 3. the most current B9 Aerospace Pack R3 [0.20.2] PART NAME: Adapter_Y1 found @ http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-b9-aerospace-pack-release-2/ **** I am very sorry about all the confusion and .crafts not working, its my first time posting on the forums and i get so exited to share the cool stuff with you guys, and when i share it i myself forget how i did it i will do better next time! *** note that these rovers have been tested on kerbin, mun, eve only (if you have some cool pictures of other places that they have been please share! ** follow the speed limit of every individual planet- other wise ull crash * new players i recommend putting mech jeb on all of them and letting it land ( it saves you the nerves until you know how to properly land) For those players not wanting to install mods here are the stock versions: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nblpxmlrnv6suum/STTI%20ROVERS%20BY%20MORARU%20%5BSTOCK%5D%20%282%29.zip ICARUS ROVERS [sTOCK] Once again hope you guys have fun! There is more to these then meets the eye! https://www.dropbox.com/s/jprk42knd9ozd8u/ICARUS%20ROVERS%20BY%20MORARU%20%5BSTOCK%5D.zip warning: stock rovers have not been tested & some may have varied looks and varied balance do to the replacement of the moded parts and last but not least any suggestions, feedback, ideas you want to share please post! thanks moraru™
  5. yeah i just realised i had an out dated one, thanks for checking!! https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqbsokriefxkcx1/STTI%20ROVERS%20BY%20MORARU.zip i took off the mech jeb i had make sure u add one
  6. hope u guys like the pic& crafts https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqbsokriefxkcx1/STTI%20ROVERS%20BY%20MORARU.zip *** some rovers are super heavy and likely unbalanced weight wise. Recommend to use mech jeb & lots of monoprop. ** mods needed inorder to work: b9 aerospace, spacetech * follow the speed limit of every individual planet- other wise ull crash ***MECH JEB NO LONGER NEEDED these are the only 2 items needed from the mods * st radial engine- by space tech * Y1 protective cap by tetragon projects
  7. hope u guys like the pic& crafts http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/33963-moraru%E2%84%A2-ROVERS-v-20-2?p=422924#post422924 mods needed in order to work: mech jeb, B9 aerospace and spacetech i think ?? these are the only 3 items needed from the mods * st radial engine- by space tech * mech jeb (ar202 protective case) * Y1 protective cap by tetragon projects
  8. go to wiki page for ksp and look up how to make a mod , in there you will see how to make a texture , you can also edit existing textures. on these parts its all photoshop i couldn't get the code for texturing to work (look at the wiki page
  9. cant resist the lens flares JJ was right they make things more awesome souz mrs-g getting tested on the north pole for a future mission to duna mss-flare ( a lighter version) getting tested at the kerbal space center, future mission dres
  10. cant resist the lens flares they make things more awesome souz mrs-g getting tested on the north pole for a future mission to duna mss-flare ( a lighter version) getting tested at the kerbal space center, future mission dres
  11. here is my rover (souz mrs-q) the trailers were added after the i concluded that it was too fast for its own good ... and i have no clue how to post the craft file if some one would help me out that would be great
  12. the SOUZ MRS-Q ROVER it is in the testing phase on kerbin however one is in route* to the mun *-without the trailers i will post it in the exchange tread so ur free to download & modify it - p.s. can some one tell me how to post the.craft file?? thanks
  13. rage here u go hope you like it with Authentic KSP flag wrinkles
  14. here you go hope you like them - made 2 different fonts, with KSP authentic flag wrinkles
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