I am currently making some hollow space station modules. There's still a lot to do but hopefully I'll finish it one day. I currently have: Hollow Corridors Smaller Hollow Corridors 3 Way Hollow Corridors An Adaptor which will connect to airlocks or smaller corridors I'm hoping to make: Horizontal Landing Legs Airlocks Furniture and Lab Equipment Any good suggestions you guys have! Images of Stuff I've made: Hollow Corridor Small Hollow Corridor Adaptor 3-Way Corridor Space Station I Made Using the Parts (and some stuff from the B9 Pack): You can download everything I have made so far here: http://www./download/au47id14v3btaad/Epicshark's_Hollow_Space_Station_Parts_0.2.zip http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/hollow-space-station-modules-2/