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Everything posted by Mr_Duke

  1. cheers mate! have you tried it for yourself?
  2. That's cool! I can see an xzibit meme coming! * yo dawg we heard you like driving rovers! So we made a game where you can drive a rover while driving a rover! *
  3. Sorry for the loose title, but basically I'm wondering if anyone knows of/or is in NASA/ESA ect, that plays this game? Or anyone who study's space thingys and all it's wonderful an mysterious goings on? I've saw that people were showing it in physics classes, which is great! I would have loved to see this when I was in school! But unfortunately the best we got back then was windows 95, minesweeper (that we were not allowed to play) and a dial up connection....sigh... But anyway, I know a few people have quite good knowledge about certain things in this game, for me when all the math in space travel is mentioned, or comes up in game or on wikis I just go blank. My method is usually Aim at target>boost>land/crash/nofuel! But that's my style! Obviously if your studying space thingys (said it again :$) you probably wont have time, or would you? I wouldn't want to finish work and play a heating engineer simulator game..... (*Hmm I'd be good at that*) Maybe it would appeal to you more than anyone!
  4. For me - no kerbal city's or settlements - no caves! - radiation? - no aliens (wishfull thinking) - rival AI kerbal space program's? - no naked kerbals Ok the last ones a joke but hey, who hasent wondered what there junk looks like!?
  5. It would be good to have an empty solar system until you launch probes, it's a shame some of us know where all the planets and moons are, and what there like. Hopefully there will be more planets added to add more surprise.
  6. Bumparoo? Is it allowed?
  7. greetings folks, i've been having great fun with the new kerbal flags as i'm sure the rest of you have, but i've took a slightly different approach to the the traditional flag sense have a look see here its only a few minutes long, hope you enjoy!
  8. I was thinking about it, but the gravity on the mun seemed a bit easier to drop down and not bounce away ( or at least I guessed)
  9. It is enjoyable! Have you tryed it yet?
  10. I can confirm I am not Danny2462 sir, why do you ask that?
  11. you wont regret it! there's nothing like having a personal bowling lane on the Mun!
  12. Its as fun as it sounds! it requires a bit of planing but the end result is ever so satisfying skillfully guiding a kerbal into a stack of kerbals! take a look and tell me what you think! I used 5, 2 man lander cans to act at the 10 pins and a 3 person command module to get them up there, mobility ladder were used above each can, it made it very easy to load all kerbals and get them out, even if the ladders are still extended. once i knocked a quick load with F9 made restacking a breeze! try it out for your self!
  13. I so hope there is a kerbal king, crown and all!! All hail king Jeb!
  14. Always check that the hatch can be opened BEFORE you take of, many fails of mine included the hatch being blocked on landing!!!!
  15. Hit "end flight" rather than space centre with 12 preloaded kerbals in....I am disappoint
  16. I'm only pushing about 75 scattered everywhere, i'm sure some veterans have a might higher flight count? come flex ya flight count and lets see who wins!!! post the most flights you've have in progress and some pictures if you can!
  17. my current and favorite flag! as well as more stupid ones!
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