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Posts posted by Jangalit

  1. thank you for your detailed response, I am trying this as I type.

    it was a great success, it worked as you said but there were still a couple of problems, when I exported and imported again my craft (a plane) as mu there were no differences in the model but when I exported it in stl and loaded in cura to slice it to 3d print it it was missing some parts like an engine, the nose cone and a large chunk of its left side and I dont know why but I was able to solve this loading the stl in my cad program and creating from scratch (and copy pasting) the missing parts

    tomorrow I'll try to print it and if it is successfull it will be all thanks to you! thanks again, a lot

  2. Hi @taniwha  I installed your add-on (amazing work btw) and I was able to import mu's and crafts from my ksp folder and import them to blender

    My idea was to importa my crafts in blender and then export them to stl to be able to 3d print them but when I import them in my slicing software (cura if you are familiar with it) it says it cant load the stls I generated.  Now, I know this is outside your sphere of "support" for your add-on but I was wondering if maybe there were some thing that I need to do before being able to export to the stl or even when importing my craft

    I neve used blender before so I dont understand the way it works (yet) but maybe there is something substantially wrong with what I am doing, can you help me?

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