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  1. Is there any chance that KAC is going to get the ability to lock alarms from being deleted, or requiring a confirmation for deletion. I can't remember the amount of times I've accidently deleted a long term alarm when I meant to delete one that had expired.
  2. Edit: Problem solved. Was off by a hundred meters or so. I'd assumed that the ground being green meant it was the right location.
  3. That's just as round-a-bout as my solution of just making one of the winches radially-mountable. Plus I prefer my method because it means the mod will work as a self-contained unit. Either way, a single bit flip makes it work so it's a non-issue.
  4. So I was wondering whether in an upcoming update we'd get a radial winch? The default KAS is sorely missing one as sometimes there just isn't a spot for either. Luckily I've modified the vertical winches part.cfg to allow it to be attached radially and it works quite nicely, although it'll be pulled off if the thing being pulled is stuck behind something, although that is easily fixed using struts. It would be nice however for this to be in the default behaviour of the mod.
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