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Everything posted by Lillegre

  1. Many thanks for the sanity check and all your hard work, if it was up to me, and it isn't! Restock should be the base game!
  2. Question; The Mallet line of SRB's seems to have been deleted from the mod, at least I cannot see them in the tech tree, I see files in the mod that relate to them, but only .mu files? I am seeing career missions to test / haul, orbit etc. these ghost parts. If delete the .mu am I gonna F something up?
  3. Make the model, the copy it in object mode (CTRL D), then press ESC. This makes a copy object, but does not move it. Then, with the copy selected, press M to move to a new layer. Select the layer the copy is on, then press tab to edit. In edit mode, hack off necessary geometry, remove edge loops etc to make a much more basic version of your item. When done export as normal. In Unity, you should then see the complex and simple versions. Delete the simple version from the premade hierarchy, add the physics mesh object to the proper version, then change the mesh used to the simple version. Done!
  4. ... has resisted the urge to start the video with "Hullo! I'm not Scott Manley"
  5. Mwahahaa! you are my new favourite person. I had given up working this out and have been working on other projects until now, I have a solar anim / deployable, so I will hook up my model with your data tomorrow and report back the results. Thx to Hoojiwana for the heads up on this epic mod info release! The TARDIS may have to wait!
  6. Not being harsh, but the new mesh is too simple. I'll knock out some decent FLT's for you if you have an artistic direction.....
  7. Glad it is working for you. Generally, a mass apply of modifiers and locRotScales is good before export. If I can venture an opinion, your ingame renders would look about 47.2% sexier if you selected everything (object mode), set shading to smooth, then added an edge split modifier (the default 60 degrees will work fine). Alternatively, recalc the normals in Unity.
  8. Notwithstanding the cost would rise exponentially as noble gas ejected outside of the atmosphere is unrecoverable
  9. Berming... especially awesome when done on the Mun!
  10. Object mode --> select all (double tap A) --> CTRL A (Apply) and apply, location (applying scale and rotation never hurts too). Re-export and you should be happy with the results
  11. I shall await your pearoast with childish anticipation! In the meantime, I am re-animating my fairings as I am not happy with them and making animated, deployable RTG's
  12. So, my question is simples. Is there any thread, committee, shadowy quasi-NGO that is organising, listing or in any other way standardising add-on resources / variables. Or put this another way, I am thinking of making a part, that uses Lox and LH to make water + power (like the thing that went bang in a spectacular fashion on Apollo 13). Realistically, the H2O is a byproduct that is only there for balance reasons at this moment in time. My question therefore is, is it acceptable to re-use existing resource.CFG files, so save each addon maker defining 15 un-interchangeable versions of "water" etc. and if so, is there a thread etc defining / documenting / distributing such KSO style programme? Conversely, if such a development resource does not exist, straw poll on the best place to make one. Forum sticky or the wikia? Thanks for taking a look and may your struts allow you safe, explosion free travel Lil'
  13. Can someone please explain where to add the child objects to a solar panel to allow it to a) collect solar radiation goodness and allow sun tracking. Thank you in advance. Lil
  14. Downloaded it, can UV and texture it, but my main question is WHY? it is silly ridiculously, complicated for a 2m Fueltank. I do not see the value that that top / bottom structure adds for routine gameplay?,
  15. Looks good, but your anim curve should be sine wave shaped if you want that "gentle pulsing" effect, but over all, a nice looking piece.
  16. Confirmed as working. Thx Hoojiwana!
  17. Well it is very useful info, as my next harebrained idea needs it to show in VAB...
  18. You the Man! I will get the SuperPoodle tidied up and released before the weekend
  19. ....I got the auto fairing working, it all textures up nicely. After 4 misfires, I finally I made the b*tard shoot flames out the back!! (note to self, it is NOT called thrustTranform!) Any ideas though on how to get the auto fairing to hide in the thumbnail section of the VAB? By autofairing, I mean the one that adds when you stick a decoupler below it. Any input would be appreciated, sooner I solve it, sooner I can release it! Regards Lil'
  20. I have a Saturn V / Ares lovechild that I use to put 80 tonnes into LKO on a routine basis., but it uses 4 modded parts that I have made (believable mods / stock equiv!)... I use 600 tonnes to get 80 tonnes to orbit., I could easily make it from stock, but I would be lifting 2 orange / 2 grey 32x cans. Would that be permitted? Basically do you just want 8,640 Fuel + matching oxidiser to 100km?
  21. I guess Valve takes a flat percentage, like Apple. Probably around 30%.
  22. £12.05 for those of us using real currency
  23. My bad then, I re-read the tut on hex editing to a MBM file and realised that the starting point was a PBM, not PNG. I'll stop optimising my texture assets then Next silly question, can you make multiple assets call the same texture for if you have say 6 models all using the same texture, or is the same texture loaded 6 times? Regards Lil'
  24. OK; any idea on where the mudflation is coming from in PNG --> MBM conversion in unity. I am making parts with tiny PNG textures, like 82KB, after exporting from unity, the MBM is now 769kb?? Regards Lil'
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