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Everything posted by spaceman1999

  1. Just as the title says how do you install TAC Life Support and Module Manager? As in where do you put it in the save files?
  2. That is INCREDIBLE! If its fully functional then why do you need testers?
  3. Do you like steampunk? What do you like about it and why? I love steam airships.
  4. This isn't about the space segment but, the crashed satellite in the game looks very skylabish...
  5. Remember, April is not like the chicken pox, once you have you can have it again...
  6. OHBOYOHBOYOHBOY This looks incredible! and what happened to the flying game?
  7. When you go by train tracks say "a train went by here" When someone says how can you tell? say "I see its tracks!' Where does the king keep his armies... up his SLEEVIES LOLOLOLOL
  8. Hello forum, What is your dream car and why? Mine is probably the Ariel Atom!
  9. This is cool! Can we get a craft file of the lander separate please.
  10. This is awesome! I just watched MiB and I'm wondering if you can make a ufo like the one at the end of the movie.
  11. This is an interesting idea but I doubt many people will have these. But Cool!
  12. I was banned from an MC sever's mumble group because I sneezed Into my mic! It said something like " To Much White Noise." Also does anyone remember /hammertime?
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