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Bizz Keryear

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Everything posted by Bizz Keryear

  1. I have some real issues here, the stock antennas refuse to connect. Also after switching to a manned vessel I don't have control sometimes and last time I lost progress cause I couldn't control a Kerbal in EVA .... edit: After a further test I don't get any connection in any way
  2. Took me a while to find the link for 0.11 (btw port still has 0.10a) The link could be a little bigger
  3. Thanks a bunch .. wish that would be posted on the 1st post, so that we don't need to bother other ... to be honest who reads all 153 pages ...
  4. After updating to 0.23 any antenna (even stock) I add causes the whole ship ... after building the ship when I start to launch it the engines are running and the ship is somewhere in the system. when reverting to VAB (not always possible) most of the ship is missing and the antenna is suddenly the root. And the parts which are still there aren't placed but look they are. If I edit the craft file and remove the antenna everything is back to normal.
  5. OK, can someone confirm this? : If more than one computer is installed on the vessel then copy program from 0. causes a flagrant error. While it works when only one core is installed. Edit: Guesswork: OK, I think its only affecting my build, since copy to also doesn't work.
  6. Your response is predicated on the idea that the phrase "open source" simply means that you can see the source code and that's all it means. If that was true I'd agree with you. But it doesn't just mean that. While it's true that many licenses allow you to fork the code and use it for your own purposes, and it's the license that allows this, the fact that there are many such licenses with slightly different terms gave rise to the need to make a catch-all term for them, and that catch-all term is open source. It does not merely mean you can look at the source. It's a fuzzy catch-all term that means "that collection of various licenses that share in common the ability to use and modify the source code." (note, USE, not just look at.).In fact I heard that, too. There is one open source project I heard of with all right reserved... even though I can't point out which one it was...
  7. Well at least I restrained myself to contact him on his dating site .. or give him a (international) phone call... Especially for bug fixing he should name an admin which takes over while he isn't around ... There are quite some annoying things in it .. like still floats everywhere while the intention was to have doubles. and those lagging ... and that the kOS IDs are broken ... I think that also might be the cause for troubles where the cause is hard to find (I am talking about vessels parts still controlled by kOS even after detaching and such... at least I think I have read this in GitHub) Well yes, we leachers (as in others and I ... that doesn't have to include you) are eager to have newer better versions ... but I think most of them understand that after all KSP is just a hobby not a profession. And no one would had rip head off the developer if he is saying that he is feed up and need a break or is quitting. Anyway I got finally an answer from him. I just answered him that he could/should have told us that a while ago. I also told him that (probably ... I was assuming from my point of view the opinion of everybody else) nobody would have been mad, cause KSP is just a hobby and not a profession. And I asked him is there is are any plans to assign someone in charge while his life is happens... (and warned him that the community might take over if he is waiting too long...)
  8. Well... twitter today is my last hope. G+ and FB where some days ago.
  9. OK. I contacted Kevin on Twitter, Facebook and G+. No reply so far... to be fair I just twittered him, so there can't be an answer yet. Anyway I restrained myself to contact him LinkendIn, phone (which would be relative expensive from here [foreign calls are not within my flatrate]), Stack Exchange, his car tuning forum, a diablo forum (don't think he is still active there anyway), his dating site ... because of obvious reasons ... and several other sites he created a log in ... which is the point where even I stopped looking... (basically at the Day I searched I was looking for a very fresh sign of life...I don't remember which site it exactly was, but a post/log in on same day was good enough.) So the Good news are... It seems he is still breathing. (e.g. Twitter on dec the 2nd) Bad news are ... it seems he doesn't want to speak to/with us.
  10. Funny you ask... He made me become an internet stalker of him ... Last sign of life: (I found so far) 17 hours ago ... source: *secret* ... Bad enough that I stalk. Edit: frighting how public live has become ... now I know things about him I never wanted to know...
  11. I am happy that you are still working on this. Anyway the features you have announced and my 5 cent to them: Smart Indent - 80% -> not really important Variable tracking - 45% -> important for error checking. Also important to check conflicts with reserved names File content watching (warns you when file is updated) -> not important at all. Very low chance of this happening without you knowing it. Error checking -> very very important. also very very complicated. *1) Snippets -> I can live without. *1) = best solution would be a one which reads the intended behavior from the current source code or dll or so. but there a lots of ways to do error checking. Starting off at a low level way ... like a terminator check... does every command end with one .. or the better check: does a terminator comes before a new command does. clearscreen. print "bla" print "blub". // missing a dot Is a command valid this way .. a not valid one (in middle): clearscreen. pirnt "bla". print "blub". a example for both checks: clearscreen pirnt "bla" print "blub" is a dot at the very end (of file)? no! adding one. result: clearscreen pirnt "bla" print "blub". is a dot before every command except the very first .. adding some result: clearscreen pirnt "bla" .print "blub". check terms. throw a "clearscreen does not accept parameters". (or add a dot) assuming the user added now the dot after clearscreen but didn't do anything else. check terms, throw a "unknown term 'pirnt' at line 1" and focus it. .. also while writing this the kOS IDE needs then a window where all errors are listed and clicking at one moves the cursor to the related code. andwhattheheckamidoingrightnowtellingyouhowtoprogramwhileionlywantendtomakesomeinspirationsandsomaybeazombyatemybrainargh. (surprisingly the preview has whitespaces in it, in edit window are none, and I also haven't added any... guess the board has trouble with really long strings)
  12. See here: and ... I know nobody really wants to watch it, cause its freaking long and takes some time to get to the (floating) point (pun intended). I have set up the starting points... there might be more but I am also too lazy to watch it again (also on http://kos.wikia.com/wiki/XYZ_system_of_KSP [at the very bottom]) As Camcha said: No one before ever reported this. I myself hadn't this problem in any version I ever used. One wild guess: Did you have installed any other mod? If not try to post the code and a HD! video (Its important that it is HD or else we can't see what is going on, do not use a low bit rate either.) Also important set a trigger indicator to the action groups you want to use ... I suggest lamps ... (since we can't see your fingers/ keyboard and the game screen at same time ... while writing this, this popped also in mind: Do not use a cell phone but a screen capture software to record. Even in HD the quality might be to low to see whats going on) Attach lamps on the vessel (do not use symmetry mode!) in front so they can all be seen at the same time. Now assign one lamp to each action group you want to use (use toggle). start at least recording now. While on the launch pad each action group (up to all 9 but you do really only need as much as you use in the demonstration ... while thinking about two or three should be enough in your case) should turn on one lamp. (and off if they are on already) After checking this: Open the kOS window Start the program in question Unfocus the kOS window through clicking somewhere (except kOS window) Hit any action group. ????? Profit!
  13. OK, suggestions. A mute button, while Chatterer is really cool a button to temporarily mute all noises it makes, would be great. spoke too soon its in (but buggy) A configurable initial delay for the sounds. You can add such great sound effects like echos and such but sometimes I wish I could play the normal sound just a half second (or so) before. So that it might sound like PING ..... Pinininingngng Request: Put this project on GitHub. It is great for collabs. Also you can put your released binaries there. edit: please add in again the option to use own sounds / soundfolders. edit: while to have individual settings are cool, it should be derived from a global one which should be editable from the menu (its a bit awkward to 1st set up the sound of a space craft which might take some time) edit: I really loved the effects from 0.5.6 please add them in again (if they hide behind advanced settings then never mind.. can't test that since advanced settings doesn't show up on my system) I also loved the option to have as many beeps as you like... please give it back. And thanks for coming back, I think I might not be able to learn C# in a reasonable time... (according to our last conversation) Chatterer is such a must have. Edit (not necessary to name it so since I actually forgot to send it): Question: what happened to all the old probe beeps? Copyright infringements? I thought many of them where really cool. Too cool to leave them out of new versions. Edit2: Mute is buggy. It does not mute wind. and if its selected the volume (of wind. e.g.) will not been adjusted. Also a bug I started and there was the alien ship ambient sound, after I used the mute button it it didn't came back. (seems to be affected that I changed the wind volume while the sound was muted) "Toggle advanced options" can't be found anywhere. Another edit: Time sliders should consistent. At the moment at "precise" the slider works from left as the shortest interval (loop) to right as the longest, while "loose" works the other way round. means at left is the longest and right the shortest. Decide for one and stick with it.
  14. its not recommended run programs directly from the archive since future versions may cut the program as soon you leave the com range. it is recommended to write your programs on the archive (out of the game while using notepad++ or the in meanwhile outdated kOS IDE) and copy it to your vessel before flight.
  15. Since Kevin isn't around for a while now I decided it might be time to play test the next improvements. I have put it here http://kos.wikia.com/wiki/Sidebar_Topics (current direct link https://github.com/BiZZKeryear/KOS/releases/tag/ More to come once I figure out how to merge the latest pushes for Nivekk/kOS into my fork.
  16. Ok, I admit I am a total C# and Unity Noob. Nevertheless I have access to the latest version of C# source code on GitHub and also freshly downloaded the free version of MS Visual C# Express. But it seems I am missing files from Unity to be able to compile that. How exactly do I set my system up? Where do I get the relating Unity cs files from? (Maybe I need the KSP versions...). Anyway I would be very thankful if someone would turn my question marks, which are currently flying around my head, into exclamation marks. edit: Unity is already installed. edit 2: wanted to upgrade to the latest version but unity seems to have a problem. I only receive a blank page.
  17. Oh, that seems really to be hot stuff ... beside one little point. There should be a Link available from each mod to the place where I can get updates. The idea is: That I can click a little button beside the mod and jump to the linked site where I can see if or if not is an update available. For later versions there could be a Spaceport update checker. But for now I like to skip the search in every mod.
  18. GITHUB: Does someone knows how I integrate branches from another (3rd) person into my branch? The way I try it it always says: no differences. But I know for sure a1270 has done some. And: Argh I cant get it work ... I have to learn how to compile C# programs ... especially in context to unity ... I think I am missing files. Edit: a1270 ... or anybody who is firm in compiling C# in context with KSP/Unity please PM me. I need help.
  19. Doesn't matter I just found out that it isn't in the current build. You can make your own, though. Which I am now trying to do... my first time I ever will compile a C(#)... let hope for the best.
  20. Just use edit TheFileNameIWantToUse. and it will create a (temporary) filenamed TheFileNameIWantToUse if you now save it with F5 its on the disk of the ship. Beware: Reverting the ship to VAB (or SPH) or to launch (short any save before your made the script) will delete it. But rejoice there is a way around the archive drive it saves the scripts physically on YOUR harddisk path *path to KSP*\Plugins\PluginData\Archive. They are saved as txt files. You can copy them to or from the archive with copy programName from 0. // for copying it from archive
  21. actually native kOS lately supports sensors, too. usage SENSOR:GRAV // returns a vector SENSOR:ACC // returns also a vector They might be turned on first with e.g. SENSOR:GRAV:ON. I haven't tested it so far. I only read it out of the sources.
  22. Kevin also stated that one target is that kOS will one day continue programs as soon as you return to the vessel. Due current technical reasons it boots every time you load the vessel.
  23. I also suggest this way back. Was rejected. Was I wanted was if you have a file with a certain name in archive it will be executed as soon as you create a new vessel. The things is you can edit it outside which is quite comfortable. And within would be commands like COPY XYZ from 0. copy ABC from 0. // and so on run xyz.
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