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Bizz Keryear

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Everything posted by Bizz Keryear

  1. You really should get help. If 20 people would help and we go on with same progress, each would only sacrifice half an hour per 1 hour of playing. I try to improve my C skills, but as I am at the moment I would do more harm than good.
  2. Yeah, fugly. unwieldy and in any way horribly to use. I very second an update of this .... I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT MY PROCEDURAL FAIRING FIX <-- in case someone doesn't get it it is meant funny comment / as a joke. (and don't forget the 64bit version of your mod)
  3. I feel a little uncomfortable to use a mod in 1.1 last time updated in 1.0.4 and already partly broken in 1.0.5... So I also second an 1.1 update. But if push comes to shove ... has anyone considered to take this mod over? I mean no update since July 13 last year despite not completely correctly working in 1.0.5 and only few posts here. I am not meaning that I wan't to do it ... not that I actually don't want to, I don't have the ability to (can read C enough to get a general grasp what is going on, but can't code it) Scratch that, while looking through bitbucket I found some groundwork for a 2.0 version and Master was last updated in January. Update speed might be not too fast. (Seems RL have hit OP) But there is still progress... though would be nice if someone who can code C (and has spare time) would branch it and help OP out to sort out some bugs and such.
  4. I wanna be in. I wanna be part in the next step beta test. Can't wait for it... I know I wasn't that active here lately but I lost my PW ... and I come here mostly for gathering information. BTW: I already have some suggestions for improvements for 1.1. Make sure pinned windows stay persistent even if switched to map view temporarily (pinned window goes away when going to map, but comes back when switching back). Would be cool if I additionally could pin them in a way so that they stay on screen even when switching to map mode (e.g. for thrust limiting while in map mode) Really cool would be if the pinned state would be saved, and next time I switch to that vessel it goes where I last placed it.
  5. Still will be a problem for me... I don't have any subscriptions .... all I have done Is bookmarked all interesting threads ... one for the OP and one for where I am currently at reading them. (using tab outliner to keep them up to date) I have about 200 +- a few threads bookmarked. Will be a pain to find them in the new forum. Hope that at least some redirect methods will be applied that brings you from old to new URL. (CKAN also will be totally broken if not ... at least for quite some time)
  6. [quote name='Rosco P. Coltrane']I know other forums with IPS that have a more 16:9'ish design (and smaller visual elements as well, so you can fit more on screen). I don't know if it's user-customizable, thou. Whatever the case I hope the either make it widescreen for all, or allow users to set it up. This is not 2003 people, our widescreen monitors have been "normalscreen" monitors for a while now, and for a reason too.[/QUOTE] [quote name='*Aqua*']You can't make text that wide or people will have serious problems reading it. That's why newspaper texts usually have narrow columns. They are far easier to grasp for our eyes and brain.[/QUOTE] Really seems like KSP is a sinking ship. It surely has lost my support now. (bought in total a dozend copies of it) And when I then visit the forums .... which will be much less since due to less editing options the mod develop threads will migrate to somewhere else ... it seems to be Style bot time to make it wide as I did for Steam forums... (made screenshoots .... but figured nobody would interested anyway so I didn't even uploaded them) Edit : the mod editing this mod and deleting a quote a deleted post made me possible look like a douche. One more sign that this community is rapid going down hill-
  7. Seems a downstep for me.... noticed some that actively used blogs &Co (even though I was too lazy to) only new function I will use is "Tag people in your posts" rest will be either turned off due email spam or worse from we have yet. [quote name='Fwiffo']Maybe while you're at it you could add an option to extend the default timeout. It gets annoying having to log back in so frequently. Have tried "Remember Me". Don't seem to have this issue on other vBulletin based forums out there. Ignore this post if I'm the only one with the problem :-).[/QUOTE] I don't know what you are talking about. I might have be log in for about 5 times since I am gained membership including the last great loss ... I mean the last forum transfer. The rest of times I was already logged in when I was visiting. ... and I might explain that my browser seem to have trouble with remembering cookies since I have to identify the new machine on steam (and on humblebundle and on other sites, too) each time I start up my browser. edit: @OP would be nice to have the current forum ... at least as a raw backup (just a dump of html files) ... no one can do anything with it but the information stays. Edit: and what about the roleplay thing? Not liking that ppl are engaged in your game? Then shut down sales and development, too.
  8. [quote name='blackrack']The sunglare textures are the only repeating things and they're mostly insignificant, a 512x512 texture is nothing, and they're only loaded if their associated planet is loaded so at worst you see slightly more memory usage when both Laythe and Jool are loaded, for the rest it's the same. The black texture could also be removed. Both of these points are so insignificant memory-wise and the current sunglare system is only temporary anyway so I haven't bothered changing them.[/QUOTE] Yeah, but what about the black one ... and it might be because of a long distance view mod I have installed there might be all planets loaded anyway
  9. Have the black sky problem, too, but I really think that it is more of an problem caused by EVE. Since even with the old version of scatter it shows a complete black sky Anyway while having a look at the files there are some things that hit my eye. [list][*]Is it really necessary to have duplicates of files? I mean sunglare.png and black.png are literally the same everywhere. How about bout a folder named global. Having all the stuff in that is used more than once. Every for every planet if it has a folder of its own but it doesn't find file X in it it uses the global one. [*]The black png ... after starting up KSP ... not being in game, not doing something in game I am already at 3.2 Gig (not really [only] your fault, though).... is it really necessary to have a 5kb png of only one color? .... I mean is there really a reason to make it 512 x 512 pixels, too? If I was making this my black file would probably (unless I really really need something else) be (if used to produce black pixels) a 1x1 pixel grayscale bmp. (this should make the smallest file since you don't need compression for just one pixel and one color) Size of that file is 66 bytes to 4533 bytes of yours. On other hand I am relative clueless when it comes to compiling C scripts, I am clueless about Unity and KSP api. So ... I don't know if that would work. But I still thought I mentioned it. Maybe you are so deep into it that it left your grasp that you could use a file like this, too.[/list]
  10. Not gonna happen (to me) until 1.1 with 64 bit is out. Stopped playing kerbal since it crashes too often (because its out of ram) Even kerbals have their trouble with global warming... Well if the weather looks like this ... I (and NASA) wouldn't launch a rocket.... btw. is it just me or are the clouds look awfully flat (look at the mountains) I think that is why some people don't want the clouds below mountain height. It loos off, since the mountains are cut razor sharp with a 2D layer. Theoretically it would be solved to make it volumetric clouds all the time a... and partly adjusting for maintains ... (yeah some clouds are flowing over mountains sometimes) but that would just kill the systems I guess. ... Global warming extreme!
  11. Sorry, that where on a different page, so I missed it ... But it breaks a little more than just the KSP buttons. I have a quick switch mod which lets me move to any other building from any building e.g. VAB. Normally that should let me go around those things. But KSP does not work with this either ... it also refuses to save ... (have a quick exit mod which saves [normally] and ends the game ... but with your mod installed it doesn't save)
  12. @OP: One of you mods seems to be totally broken in 1.0.5 I narrowed it down to either this one or Auto Actions. Either way with those installed while using 1.0.5 you can't exit the VAB or SPH. Please fix.
  13. Holy mother of sweet ... and for 1.0.5 as well ... I was brave with the WIP versions ... but they never worked well enough to stick with them ... and I was always falling back to 7.4 afterwards ... So I am really happy that it finally got released ... Thank you sooo much. (anyway don't forget to give Ckan a little push ... it seem it hasn't recognized the update, yet)
  14. Well, a lot of things happened and stuff got delayed a lot. (At the end also because I kinda lost track where I had put the files) But here it finally is. I present to you: RePimped Farmers female Lasses Download: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3cyltgNcOi-TGJ3UVhBSV9kdms&usp=sharing [image will be replaced soonâ„¢ by this album: http://imgur.com/a/ZuNXz] [more pictures coming soonâ„¢] 6 Skins in total [as dds] + my source files [as Gimp XCF] (in a second rar). Which I created out of: [table=width: 500] [tr] [td]Proot[/td] [td]=[/td] [td]"Pimp my Kerbals" Texture pack v 1.1[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]Cosmic_Farmer[/td] [td]=[/td] [td]Cosmic_Farmer's female heads.[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td]GreeningGalaxy[/td] [td]=[/td] [td]GreeningGalaxy's Diverse Kerbal Lasses[/td] [/tr][/table] And as far as I tracked it back they are all released as CC-by-NC, so I do have the same. (Sorry for only having a screenshot of one [of 6] skin [, right now]. Seems I have to redo them since I can't find where I have put the others. But didn't wanted to delay it any further And albums also don't seem to get updated once they are posted here.)[imgur tB7Et /imgur]ZuNXz
  15. Well, I should have read this post to the end, before googling it and panic because Magicx has a dll (in their software package) related to screenshoots with the same name, too. I was just about to delete that when I found out you had already answered.
  16. I have a few questions: What is MagiCore.dll? And where does it come from? Do you have all licenses needed to distribute this file? I think I don't upgrade till I know, because we can get both in trouble.
  17. Ah, crap ... no more rockets accelerating at 150G. (since I am at mem limit right now I don't think I will install it, yet. But next version [where a stable x64 was promised])
  18. Wow, this is actually really cool. Especially because I sometimes suffered from the bug that the Kerbal wouldn't align itself anymore in EVA flight. And it is also cool that this mod is in CKAN BUUUT,... unfortunately it is not with the latest version in CKAN (says no version number, though, but it says that it is incompatible for 1.0.4 and that the highest compatible KSP version is 0.90.99) which is actually a shame, since less people will install it. I see forward to the moment when the current version is again in CKAN.
  19. I will file a proper bug report once I have collected all the data needed, but for now I just want to say V1.12.0 is so far the version I had most trouble with. I never remember anything ... well ... breaking with the older versions and they rarely crashed (so rare that I even can't remember if it crashed at all.) But this one ... crashes like all the time. Importing mod compilation .... crash. Trying installing conflicting mods .... crash. And now one mod update with problems in the path ... it seems ... at least if I can trust the crash message.
  20. This one I have less control over, as selecting a waypoint for navigation is stock behaviour. So I can't really amend that to have two "selected" waypoints. Uh, ok I understand ...still looking for tools that help to work around that the game out put is projected on a flat plane, while you actually need depth perception. I have even a 3D monitor, it isn't supported anywhere. It worked on Nvidia driver [29X], but then they decided to not making it work. Means I can run the setup program and it produces a 3D preview, but no other app. Caused by a disagreement about licensing fees between these companies. But maybe to hide some points on the map view. As said you can have trouble to find one if they are close. Well I have one more thing ... couldn't confirm what and how it was caused, but my custom waypoints keep disappearing.
  21. Hi, I think you made a mistake with one of your mod. Because I got here from https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1044/Docking%20Target ...which is correct so far, ... but I got there from CKAN ... namely from a mod named "Federal Productions Flags". Which I just wanted to check what it is about.
  22. Installed it, but turns out it was not what I am looking for ... this is for rockets and the OP should clearly say so. (which is, while still useful, a little cheaty in this game) I was looking for a mod that fine tunes your altitude in a plane. Planes are a pain ... you fly like forever to get somewhere ... and you either going up or down but never stay on the same height ... means I have to control the plane over a long time ... a pain. I wan't to point it in the right direction at the right altitude and then do something else.
  23. I think he thinks that the window might be a little big sometimes (for some situations). So if you want to keep it up all the time it could be smaller ... maybe only showing thing in the current SOI and leaving the planet and edit icons out while reducing width to bare minimum. Also to save space the text could be closer together and the location icon way smaller. Just to name a few things for a compact mode ... anyway I also don't know why you want to keep the window up all the time. The only reason I could think of would be to quick add a nav point at the current location of the vessel ... but I think a function like right clicking the toolbar icon would do a better job. (In case you didn't know there are actually mods out there which have a different function if you right click their icon ... mostly calling the settings instead of the mod function, though. But that doesn't mean all mods have to do it that way) I was looking for the spot with the highest ore concentration which is on Kerbin just a 2 or 3 pixel on highest zoom of the zoom window of the big map ... also Nope, not even close. Well I have one more wish ... sometimes it can be useful to hide waypoints (if there are too many too close to each other) ... also selecting more than one waypoint at a time ... e.g. I marked the beginning and end of the runway. For landing you want those two aligned.
  24. Just too bad that there isn't just one right hand rule ... and you lost me here. Because it still makes no sense. (more below) So you know what he is talking about? Anyway... I don't see any circular arrow. When I apply the right hand rule that make the most sense ... This arrow still doesn't make any since the rocket still rotates in the opposite direction. Again exactly 180° from where the arrow is pointing.*² There is something wrong: ... wow wanted to quote me here and figured that what I wrote made no sense whatsoever... here the corrected version: [After mentioning that I made alteration versions of this rocket] But from what I have seen this arrow has the tendency to jumped around randomly. It looked to me* like it also depends on the rotation*² of inline parts*³. Which should have no influence on the forces whatsoever. It does not? Well they change if I tilt the rocket, though. Well, I see it more like (almost*) perfectly balanced ... to get something around 90° inclination. * = Means I have not tested it throughly *² = around the y axis ... I mean the axis on which the symmetry occurs. I mean e.g. rotate a part so that the e.g flag on the side is showing in a certain direction. *³ = with nothing on the surface attached to them
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