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What is a modlet? Simple! Literally, that's what it is. A modlet is a very small, generally one purpose mod designed with a very specific goal in mind. There's generally no configurability, just a single .dll, and probably one file of source code. They're very simple, straightforward additions to the game. Some example modlets are Claw's Stock Bug Fix Modules or Malah's Quick Mods This thread is where I will be posting my "modlets", the first of which is Field Experience. The downloads are generally available on SpaceDock and GitHub. Sensible Screenshot v1.2.4 (2018-03-20) [KSP 1.4.1] Requires (and includes) MagiCore.dll Description: Have you ever tried to back up your Screenshots folder and run into issues with screenshots with the same names? Well, consider that problem solved! Sensible Screenshot renames your screenshots to use a name based on the date and time taken so you always have unique file names! With update 1.1.0 you can now also include a large amount of in-game data (like the KSP version, SaveGame name, or even Active Vessel name or biome, or parent body, or situation, or.... the list goes on! (check down below for the full list). Additionally with 1.1.0, you can now convert your screenshots into .jpg files automatically to reduce their file size, if that's something you're concerned about! Warning: It might not get things exactly right if you take a lot of screenshots all at once. If you only take 1 a second (or less) it should work perfectly but if you take more than 1 a second they might be in the wrong order. If you're looking for a mod like this that takes screenshots on a timer or automatically at special events, check out linuxgurugamer's Automated Screenshots mod! License: GPLv3. Also included in the zip file. Installation: Merge the included GameData folder with the one in your KSP directory, overwriting any files. Download (SpaceDock) Download (GitHub) Variables: Config Options (and defaults, don't include anything after the # symbol in your configs): An example (somewhat ridiculous) filename setting and result: Imgur album comparing .png quality and file size to .jpg: Changelog: Dated QuickSaves v1.1.5 (2018-03-20) [KSP 1.4.1] Requires (and includes) MagiCore.dll Description: Are you ever afraid to load a quicksave because you don't know how far back it will take you? Do you overwrite useful quicksaves by accidentally pressing F5? Do you like installing all the mods that might eventually have a use to you some day? Well, Dated QuickSaves is a mod you should get! It adds the current in-game date and time to the filename when you make a quicksave during flight. This serves to remind you how far back the save will take you and also automatically prevents overwriting quicksaves with an accidental tap of F5. Just press F5 in flight and Dated QuickSaves takes care of the rest. Use F9 to load the latest quicksave as normal, and Alt-F9 to load the dated quicksaves, where you can review the date before losing all your precious missions. Currently there isn't a limit on how many saves are made, so you'll want to clear them out eventually. If there is demand I can add a config option to limit that. Changed in 1.1.0. Additionally, it uses the current in-game time, rather than extracting the UT from the quicksave itself, so if that is an issue I can change it. One more thing, if people want an auto-backup of the main save when loading a quicksave, I can add that in as well if requested. New in 1.1.0: - You can now define the filename to use in the same way as Sensible Screenshot, above, including all the fun variables like vessel name or biome - You can now turn on automatic autosaves in the flight scene at a configurable interval (in integer minutes) - You can now set a limit on the number of quicksaves and autosaves to keep (only tracks new ones, so clear out the old ones manually. Set to -1 in the config to keep unlimited ones) License: GPLv3. Also included in the zip file. Installation: Merge the included GameData folder with the one in your KSP directory, overwriting any files. Download (SpaceDock) Download (GitHub) Changelog: Ship Save Splicer v1.2.0 (2018-03-27) [KSP 1.4.1] Description: Ever built a ship, base, or station in one save and wish you could transfer it into a new save? Perhaps you built a really awesome station around Kerbin in a save, then added the New Horizons mod and had to start a new save. With Ship Save Splicer you can export the station from one save and import it into another, even if they use wildly different mods (with the exception of required part mods). Just enter the tracking station, select a craft from the left, and press the "SSS" button. The ship will be exported to the "Kerbal Space Program/Ships/export" folder, ready to be imported into a new save. To import a craft, enter the tracking station and don't select any vessels. Press the "SSS" button to bring up the importer in no-crew mode and select the vessel you want to import. It will then be imported without any crew members. To import a craft with all of its crew, mod-click the "SSS" button (so Alt-Click or RightShift-Click) to bring up the importer in "crewed" mode. Importing vessels with crew has a much larger potential of breaking things, so make a quicksave beforehand! When importing with crew all the crew stats should transfer properly. If there's already a Kerbal with the same name in the Save (for instance, "Bob Kerman") then the imported Kerbal will be renamed with a roman numeral (ie, "Bob Kerman II"). As of 1.1.0 you can now convert exported vessels to craft files by Left-Shift clicking the button while in the Tracking Station. This is made possible by @Claw's InflightShipSave mod and the pertinent code remains under the original CC-BY-NC-SA license. Shortcuts: Click with vessel selected = Export vessel Left-Ctrl+Click = Import vessel, no crew Mod+Click with no vessel selected = Import vessel and crew Left-Shift+Click = Convert exported vessel to .craft file License: GPLv3. Also included in the zip file. Installation: Merge the included GameData folder with the one in your KSP directory, overwriting any files. Download (SpaceDock) Download (GitHub) Changelog: EditorTime v1.0.5 (2018-03-20) [KSP 1.4.1] Description: Makes time pass while you're in the editor. Pretty straightforward. Also includes a window to tell you the current time while you're in the editor. It's kind of like a super simplified Kerbal Construction Time, where instead of taking a calculated amount of time to build vessels, the amount of time it takes to build a vessel is dependent on how long it takes you to actually design itt. In the config file you can alter the timeRatio to make more or less game time pass per real life second so that 1 real second == 1 game second, or perhaps 1 real second = 1 game minute, or anything you can imagine. Some possible hiccups (since mods don't expect time to pass in the editor): 1. Kerbal Alarm Clock alarms won't fire. I'll probably add a countdown timer to show you when the next alarm is set to fire (and will probably pop up a message to alert you). 2. Other mods that depend on time might not work correctly. License: GPLv3. Also included in the zip file. Installation: Merge the included GameData folder with the one in your KSP directory, overwriting any files. Download (GitHub) Changelog: Tree Toppler v1.1.3 (2018-03-20) [KSP 1.4.1] Description: For those of you who want to play career mode but don't want to deal with the grind that is the Science system, Tree Toppler lets you unlock the tech tree without spending science. Best paired with the Stock setting that requires part purchases, you can turn your space program into a corporation rather than a research institution. When the "Topple" button in the lower left corner of the R&D screen is pressed, you're given four options: Unlock All Nodes: This will unlock all nodes, regardless of R&D center level. If you have the setting to require part purchases, it won't auto-purchase the parts. If you have that setting off, you'll get all the parts for free. Unlock Up To Level: This unlocks all nodes that you could purchase based on R&D center level. An un-upgraded R&D center can only purchase nodes costing up to 100 science, so any 100 science or more nodes won't be unlocked. Useful if you still want tech restrictions based on building upgrades, for progression purposes. Disable Costs: For those of you who are picky about which nodes you want unlocked, this setting will disable any science costs associated with nodes. If you can't afford a node, this will still unlock it. If you can afford a node, you'll get whatever science you spend back. This also unlocks a second set of options when selecting nodes to force unlock or force lock the nod, ignoring all prerequisites (including R&D level, science costs, and required parent nodes) Lock All Nodes: The opposite of unlocking all the nodes, this will lock all of them again, if that's something you want. Note: The changes won't appear right away when unlocking/locking several nodes at once. Close the R&D screen, then reopen it to see the changes. License: GPLv3. Also included in the zip file. Installation: Merge the included GameData folder with the one in your KSP directory, overwriting any files. Download (SpaceDock) Download (GitHub) Imgur Album (can't get it to embed for some reason) Changelog: Wwwwwwwww v1.0.2 (2018-03-20) [KSP 1.4.1] Description: For when you need to walk for a long time and you don't want to hold the key yourself. Also capable of running. It basically just holds down "w", which is also how I came up with the name. Unfortunately I gave it one too many w's and it would have been better as Wwwwwwww (Wx8, or "weight" [or "wait"] which is great since people usually hold it down with a a weight (like a stack of coins) and they have to wait a long time to get where they're going. So just pretend it's called that instead. Or call it WNine. I don't care Press "Left Control" and "W" while on EVA to keep walking forward. Press "Left Control", "Left Shift", and "W" on EVA to keep running forward. Press "W" to disengage. Takes two clicks of "W" (and of "Left Shift") to fully disengage sometimes Download (SpaceDock) Download (GitHub) Changelog: NIMBY v1.1.1 (2018-03-20) [KSP 1.4.1] Description: NIMBY (or Not In My BackYard) is a modlet that restricts recovery of vessels to within a range of predefined "beacons". By default the only beacon is the KSC and recovery is limited to within 100km. If you try to recover from further, a message will pop up alerting you that you are too far away. Additional beacons can be created through the Beacons.cfg file that is generated after the first run. Future plans for the mod include a UI to allow creating new beacons and parts that allow for mobile beacons (for bases and recovery ships). Download (SpaceDock) Download (GitHub) Changelog: No longer maintained: Common Dependency: MagiCore Description: A core utility mod initially designed so Sensible Screenshot and Dated QuickSaves can share "string translation" features. I'll probably add other common utilities into it and start requiring it in other mods. It should be included by default in Sensible Screenshot, Dated QuickSaves, Kerbal Construction Time, and ScrapYard, and CKAN should have it indexed separately. It will install to KSP_Folder/GameData/MagiCore/MagiCore.dll. License: MIT. Also included in the zip file. Installation: Merge the included GameData folder with the one in your KSP directory, overwriting any files. Latest releases on GitHub Suggested modlets and changes to existing modlets New modlet ideas Turn off destructibility for final tier launchpad/runway (corresponding post) Changes to existing modlets: EditorTime - Warp control - Countdown to the next KAC alarm
Mods on this thread wont be update, you need to go on forks Thanks to @linuxgurugamer & @DoctorDavinci to keep these mods up to date with KSP : Malah's Quick mods are very small plugins which add a small feature You can download all of my mods on SpaceDock, on GitHub or some on KerbalCurseForge. This modlet is compatible with KSP-AVC, Toolbar and the stock localisation (localize in English and French). All my mods can be installed with CKAN. Released: [1.3.0] QuickBrake [v1.23 - 2017.05.31]: Brake your vessel at launch [1.3.0] QuickSearch [v3.20 - 2017.05.31]: Enhanced the editor part search and add a part search on the tech tree [1.3.0] QuickStart [v2.14 - 2017.05.31]: Start your last savegame after the loading [1.3.0] QuickGoTo [v1.33 - 2017.05.31]: Go to an other scene from anywhere [1.3.0] QuickRevert [v3.13 - 2017.05.31]: Revert keeper [1.3.0] QuickContracts [v1.23 - 2017.05.31]: Keyboard's shortcuts for Mission Control [1.3.0] QuickSAS [v1.13 - 2017.05.31]: Moar keyboard shortcuts for the SAS [1.3.0] QuickHide [v3.23 - 2017.05.31]: Hide the stock toolbar and the stages [1.3.0] QuickExit [v2.13 - 2017.05.31]: Exit everywhere [1.3.0] QuickMute [v1.30 - 2017.05.31]: Mute all sounds [1.3.0] QuickIVA [v1.23 - 2017.05.31]: Go to IVA at the loading or the launch of a vessel [1.3.0] QuickFineControl [v1.06 - 2017.05.31]: Toggle the precision control at the load of a vessel [1.3.0] QuickCursorHider [v1.06 - 2017.05.31]: Hide the cursor when you push on F2 in flight [1.3.0] ZeroMiniAVC [v1.05 - 2017.05.26]: Delete/Prune/Disable all MiniAVC Dead mods: [1.0.5 & 1.1.0-pre] QuickScroll [v2.00 - 2016.04.01]: Scrolling for the parts lists [1.0.5] QuickEngineer [v0.10 - 2016.03.28]: stockalike calculation of Delta V & TWR Known bug If you like these tiny mods you can consider a little donation... QuickSAS What is it? QuickSAS is a small plugin which adds keyboard shortcuts for the SAS Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickSearch What is it? QuickSearch is a small plugin which adds an extension to the part search function on the editor, it also adds a part search on the tech tree. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickGoTo What is it? QuickGoTo is a small plugin which adds the possibility to go to an other scene from anywhere (VAB, SPH, Tracking Station ...). Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickRevert What is it? QuickRevert is a small plugin which adds the possibility to keep the revert function. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickExit What is it? QuickExit is a plugin which adds the possibility to exit KSP at any time. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickHide What is it? QuickHide is a plugin which adds the possibility to hide the stock toolbar, the mods of the stock toolbar and the stages. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickIVA What is it? QuickIVA is a small plugin which adds a switch to the IVA at the loading or the launch of a vessel. I suggest you to use the awesome mod RasterPropMonitor which makes the IVA usable. QuickIVA support the mod Probe Control Room. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickBrake What is it? QuickBrake is a small plugin which adds the possibility to brake your vessel at launch. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickStart What is it? QuickStart is a small plugin which adds the possibility go to the last game saved after the loading of KSP. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickContracts What is it? QuickContracts is a plugin which adds the possibility to have keyboard's shortcuts on the mission control. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickMute What is it? QuickMute is a plugin which adds the possibility to mute all the KSP sounds. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickCursorHider What is it? QuickCursorHider is a plugin which hide the cursor when you push on F2. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickFineControl What is it? QuickFineControl is a plugin which adds the possibility to toggle the precision control at the load of a vessel. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations: QuickScroll What is it? QuickScroll is a small plugin which adds the possibility to scroll the parts pages, the categories and the filters on the editor with the mouse wheel and with keyboard shortcuts. Download: SpaceDock GitHub More Informations:
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What tiny mods have made the biggest difference in KSP for you? They say it's the little things that make a difference. My favorite mods are the tiny utilities that change one little thing and massively improve the KSP experience. I want to know about the utilities, modlets and config tweaks that have had an outsized effect on your space program. Maybe its a fix for longstanding bug or a Module Manager config you came across somewhere that you copy into every new save. Maybe even a little program you wrote yourself to fix something that only bugs you! The great thing about mini mods is they usually solve a problem simply and with little fuss. But the danger of little fuss is that they aren't easy to find in the forums! If you have any favorites please share them with me. Here are my current top 3. 1. Draggable Menu by @KvaNTy. Automatically re-positions the right click menu so the whole thing is visible. A necessity for me since I play on a laptop at lower resolution and pod menus pretty much always fall off the screen. 2. Heat Shield Decoupler Module Manager config to make heatshields "decouplable" - don't remember what thread I found this on. 3. Landing Height by @Diazo. Shows distance to ground rather than distance to sea level. Has saved many landers from crashing into lumpy moons.