Each post may contain more than one mission log, especially if the mission was short. This header post is going to be like a table of contents of sorts... For now, however, it will contain a few early missions. JANUARY 01, 1001 #001 "Insert Mission Name Here" Objective: Yes. >Untitled Space Craft All parts: 1 Pod Pilot: Jeb EVA from Pad EVA from Capsule outside Surface Sample from Pad RETURN! +17 Science Basic Rocketry obtained (5) 3 new redshirts, er, I mean Kerbals hired. #002 "A Hop" Objective: To land nearby >Littleguy 01 Parts: Pod, Decoupler, Chutes, 4 Goo, 1 SRB Pilot: Bill Goo LIFTOFF Heading: 180 Goo Goo Landing Goo RETURN! +21.1 Science #003 "A Skip" Objective: To land on another continent. >Littleguy 02 Parts: Pod, 3SRB, Chutes, 2 Goo, 2 Tanks, 1 Decoupler Pilot: Bob LIFTOFF Heading: 90 Mission failure: incorrect angle of attack. Will land in sea. Landing Goo Goo under water EVA report Surface Sample RETURN +21.8 Science #004 "A Jump" Objective: To achieve Orbit >Littleguy 02a Part change: -1 Chute, -1 Decoupler, +1 Goo, +3 SRB, +1 Antenna Pilot: "Melfel 'Redshirt' Kerman" LIFTOFF Heading: 90 Goo SPACE! Goo Goo Mission failure: too busy futzing around with launching to do goo properly, too busy futzing around with goo to do launching properly. Data transmitted Re-entered atmosphere LITHOBRAKING FAILURE R.I.P. Melfel +9.1 Science Survivability, General Rocketry, and Stability obtained (53) #005 "Memorial" Objective: To remember Meflel... or whatever his name was >Untitled Space Craft Parts: Same as previously Pilot: Jeb EVA Heading: VAB Flag planted at top of VAB Surface Sample EVA Report RETURN +11 Science Sunset End of day.