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Everything posted by Nicoli

  1. I thought a good idea would be to add a biome mapper similar to ISA mapsat but instead of elevation it builds a map of the Biomes on the plant. then add a "Stellar Cartography" or such building where you can look at models of the planets with the map overlays on it. Would be a good idea to build in the ability to show different overlays to allow for player plugins.
  2. I'd love to see parallel rocket cross braces. basically connectors that would be 2-to-2, 3-to-3, 4-to-4 so doing longer parallel sections would be more stable.
  3. Well compared to the costs of the parts that is fairly good. I've seen peoples rockets to Eve and back that are under 250k.
  4. Did the control from bit before I launched and still followed a fuel tank instead of the capsule.
  5. Yeah, that's what I figured out. Problem is that didn't work out with my idea of making several "lifters" and then slapping the payload on top as needed.
  6. So has anyone else been having issues where if you don't start with a command pod, when your rocket starts failing you end up stuck "controlling" some worthless part as your guys go plummeting into the planet/moon even though you could save them? I've had this happen a few times since this patch where something goes wrong then every time I try and switch to the capsule it refuses because "can switch to a target about to crash" or "Ship unable to switch under acceleration."
  7. While a lot of people have said no mods, I would highly suggest getting the ISA mapsat mod added. Allows you to set some realistic goals of Mapping moons and planets. You can have the kids calculate an orbit with a period different then the rotational period and explain why that is important. Also allows you to be much more generic with your exploration goals while at the same time allowing for the students to be more likely to find the anomalies. For example say 50,000 for doing a full map of Mun, and 200,000 for the first team to post on your forum a screenshot of them at the anomaly. Overall love to see teachers doing this sort of thing, Good job.
  8. Which is why with the single body gravity physics that doing time warp based around what SOI you are in would help significantly. Ass the ability for you to adjust the Solar Systems Time warp for the purpose of planet angles from any position/SOI. With that there will be minimum issues with the time warp. Also there shouldn't be a Match-making software besides maybe just a way to list games. All MP games should be invite only with the "Host" able to boot players from the game.
  9. In further new the Kerbal Civil Liberties Union is taking up defense of Lodomon Kerman and began with filling an appeal. The KCLU filled the following statement, "The KCLU finds the prosecution and conviction of Mr. Kerman a disgrace to the Kerbal justice system. Just as it is the right of every Kerbal to build rockets, it is also there right to disassemble them mid-flight. We will not rest until Mr. Kerman is exonerated of all crimes."
  10. I think it was a glitch. I ejected out of one of my planes at about 5000m. If it wasn't for the fact I started a new game It would still be orbiting Kerbal at 5000m going about 23m/s. No clue how or why but I just could not get the thing to crash/land. Engine was shutdown too.
  11. I don't think that there would be too much trouble with deorbiting stuff as I doubt people would really be playing "open" multiplayer. If one of the guys I would be playing with deorbited a station I would drive over and smack him a few times. Even with that you could simply add the ability to "lock" a mission in a stable orbit. A locked part would be on the same rail system that the planets and possibly limit or exclude any interaction for it. As for time warping could you not do it by doing the slowest speed in what SOI you are in?I mean does it really matter if someone is doing x100 mapping Ike if your trying to land on Mun? The only issues for I see is solar system level time warp and that is something that could easily be handled by the slowest speed selected. With the exception of ION engines most of my looking at the suns SOI is at max time warp. Make the Solar system have it own special Time warp so that you can speed it up to reach a proper transfer window with out messing with the time warp of the SOI that you are currently in.
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