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Everything posted by DylanTurn

  1. Please forgive my ignorance as I have only been playing for a weekend, but the first thing I thought when my coworker told me about this game is, damn that would be good as a multiplayer. I have now read almost this entire thread and have my own idea to add. 1. Dedicated servers with persistent universes. A. Servers can be password protected B. Max server size is 8 players concurrently(Having more could be possible, but logistically nightmarish). 2. Time Warps are requested by a player. A. Requested Duration needs to be specified. A. Max time warp speed reduced slightly. B. All crafts need to be eligible. C. Any player can cancel the time warp at any given time. D. Once the time warp has been approved the server will calculate all craft and celestial body trajectories and display the projected trajectories. E. If a craft is currently on a planet and ineligible for time warp, the player controlling the craft will have to bring the craft to a stop and lock the craft into a static position before time warp will be allowed. F. If the time warp request is denied or cancelled the denial or cancellation will be displayed in global chat. I have an issue with an orbiting satellite which at it lowest altitude is only abut 50,000m above sea level. In a multiplayer game this would have the effect of canceling time warp. That however is an issue that the player would have to fix by correcting the orbit. Finally, in the event you are trying to get to a distant planet and would need a substantial amount of time spent in time warp; playing with only a few people in a multiplayer setting would would make it much easier to ask them to pause what they are doing so you can time warp. In addition to that, it will lower the occurrence of tolls.
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