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Everything posted by paxy97

  1. You should replace this command: java -Xmx500m -jar .\jars\real-solar-system.jar %* with this one: start javaw -Xmx500m -jar .\jars\real-solar-system.jar %* This way there wont be a cmd window open in the background
  2. I have double copies of every 1m engine. One with and one without fairings. How do I get rid of this? Also I did not install the no-autoshroud plugin.
  3. Would really like to see this done in your EPIC style http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57484-Real-Spacecraft-Project-%28Soyuz-ISS-and-others%29?p=814529&viewfull=1#post814529 DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT MY CRAFT, I'm just recommending this
  4. These look beautiful man!!! Especially love the Soyuz + lander
  5. Hey frizz would you mind making a separate mod for the launch towers only ? I really like them, but my RAM cannot take the load of 20+ mods.
  6. This looks beautiful. I can't test it yet because I'm on vacation, but as far as I can see is the Poodle engine exhaust a bit too much. The Poodle is an orbital maneuvering engine so its' exhaust shouldn't be so large and orange .
  7. That looks like Teec's KSS http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57484-Real-Spacecraft-Project-%28Soyuz-ISS-and-others%29?p=814529&viewfull=1#post814529. Next time post your own craft or at least give credit to the one who built it .
  8. I'm trying to move resources from one part to another, but when I select two parts with right shift then I can't deselect them anymore. Ehm, my log is 1.7mb and pastebin limit is 500kb, I'm not quite sure what you're looking for, but I could paste only the needed lines.
  9. Is there a debug menu of some kind to disable Remotetech temporarily without quitting KSP?
  10. Hi guys. I have a problem with right clicking two parts. I have found a few posts saying that I have to use right shift, but when I do I can't deselect the parts anymore until I quicksave and reload, but then everytime I rightclick the part stays selected until I change to another vessel and then back. Sometimes it behaves different, but usually like this. I'm running Ubunutu 13.10 x64 with a AMD Radeon HD 6700 graphic card.
  11. I got it. Just change the mode parameter in the persistence file. 1 is Career, 2 is Sandbox
  12. Just like I thought, but I didn't want to risk anything. Thanks dude
  13. Is it possible to change the gamemode from career to sandbox and keep all flights and everything?
  14. So is the GEO orbit height of the Earth and rescaled Kerbin the same?
  15. Hey guys, is the GEO orbit height still the same? if not does anybody know where it is or how to calculate it? Sorry if this has been asked already, but I read the whole OP and couldn't find this information. Would be nice if OP could add this.
  16. Thanks dude. I figured that the mod was deleted because there was no source code in the download link, but I thought that there had to be a github repo or something. I don't really need the code only the mod, anyway thanks again.
  17. Where can I find the source code of this mod? If I can't download it, can I at least build from source?
  18. Today I started a new Career with Deadly reentry and Ferram aerodynamics and I have to say, it's quite hard to get to Minmus and back (safely)
  19. I totally agree, but you can probably overwrite the sounds with your own ones. Also Wehrming Kerman seemed to quite enjoy the over G
  20. That is exactly what I was looking for half an hour ago. Taverious should really implement that
  21. Yeah I noticed that it's not the easiest thing to fly, although landing after orbit was quite nice. It was one of my best landings . If you want you can PM me me the craft file of the Magellan so I could test/help you.
  22. Lol, didn't even notice that. I installed it correctly, but must have messed it up while installing the other mods. Anyway thanks
  23. I can see that the SABRE engines are working for everyone. For me they don't . When I place them in the SPH they don't show up in the staging and neither they do when launching. When right clicking them I can only toggle the gimbal lock. Here's my GameData folder:
  24. I launched the Andromeda Shuttle and it started falling apart when I started the gravity turn. After a somehow managing to cras...,ah I meant land it the kerbals were like pokerface:
  25. Have you tried to angle only the adapter and the straighten the cockpit? The reference point would remain the same that way, only thing is it could look weird. While typing this I saw those wheels on the shuttle. Did you make them or are they from a mod? Edit: Just found out B9 aerospace got updated a few hours ago
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