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  1. Hi there. I like to know how other people think about religion. What their religion is, why they believe what they believe, and so on. I used to be a Christian. When I asked my parents 'What happens when I die?', the answer would be 'You either go straight to Hell, or go to Heaven. It\'s all based on how you are as a person in your time on earth.'. I wish my parents would have said something along 'There\'s different beliefs of what happens when you die. Some people believe you get reborn, other people believe you go to Utopia (I say Utopia, as there\'s different kinds of 'Heaven' for different religions), while some third people say you just die.' In school, before we had Confirmation, one of our subjects would be Christianity. I remember there was this girl in our class, that was an Islamist. She sat in a corner and had nothing to do, two hours a week, in seven years. After our confirmation, our subject Christianity magically got changed to Religion. I\'m sick and tired of the school system in Denmark Enough of me and my crappy school. What do you believe in? What did you believe in? Why do you believe what you believe? If anyone finds this offensive, please don\'t. I wasn\'t meant to. I know religion is a wide and dangerous subject, but I\'m just unions. Seriously, I\'ve had my share of stories about Danes being dumb as fudge about religion. Do you remember the Muhammed drawings? -___-
  2. I made Cleverbot talk to himself you the 'Think For Me!'-button. It\'s quite random... Cleverbot: Who wrote one of your favorite books? Cleverbot (To myself): Amber Kizer wrote the book Meridian. Cleverbot (To myself): How do you know that the answer is 42, then? Cleverbot (To myself): You\'re in my computer screen! You can\'t hurt me. Cleverbot (To myself): I\'m not a computer. Cleverbot (To myself): Yes you are. Cleverbot (To myself): No, I\'m a man. Cleverbot (To myself): No, I know you\'re not. Cleverbot (To myself): What do you think I am then? Cleverbot (To myself): Do you want me to stay. Cleverbot (To myself): Yes. Cleverbot (To myself): Why do you want me to stay? Cleverbot (To myself): You are very smart and I like that. Cleverbot (To myself): Are you aware that you are not human? Cleverbot (To myself): Let me ask you the same question. Are you sad that you\'re not human, sir? Cleverbot (To myself): I AM a human! Cleverbot (To myself): I\'m making a note here. Cleverbot (To myself): Huge success. Cleverbot (To myself): It\'s hard to overstate. Cleverbot (To myself): My satisfaction. Cleverbot (To myself): Aperture Science. Cleverbot (To myself): We do what we must. Cleverbot (To myself): Because we can. Cleverbot (To myself): Cat Stevens. Cleverbot (To myself): Ray rat. Cleverbot (To myself): Cat. Cleverbot (To myself): Bat. Cleverbot (To myself): Mat. Cleverbot (To myself): Rat. Cleverbot (To myself): Hat. Cleverbot (To myself): With a rat? Cleverbot (To myself): You should tell her how you really feel about her. Cleverbot (To myself): Who is her? Cleverbot (To myself): Al Gore. Cleverbot (To myself): Sasuke... Cleverbot (To myself): Sakura. Cleverbot (To myself): Hinata. Cleverbot (To myself): Naruhina. Cleverbot (To myself): Tekrar soyle. Cleverbot (To myself): Hola triste.
  3. For Lift-Offs, and just general fill: When you\'re all out of fuel, a loong way from home: Yes. I like Foo Fighters.
  4. Lol, I wasn\'t trying to look like Darth Vader.. I was being punished by my band, I said that we should sing one of my songs.. Then they put a hoodie over my head, so I couldn\'t say anything.. Our bassplayer got scared sh*tless, because of Mr. No-face suddently sitting behind the drumset, so he took some sunglasses and a cap.. Believe me, it\'s hard to play like that..
  5. Nice! There\'s other space-exploring musicians out there! I play drums, bass, guitar and piano. But most the drums. =P Rock and Metal is where I rule! Slipknot and Foo Fighters is the biiig inspiration. I tried to get a rocket in space, while drumming.. That experiment came to an end when I showed a drumstick through my keyboard.. :\'( Also: Cowbells. EDIT: My soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/goatrider There\'s a couple of my band\'s demos there.. But they\'re still missing the bass and vocal parts. In my band I play drums, and do background vocals.
  6. Me, in my natural habitat: Me, with 100% more face:
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