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Everything posted by nekotakeshi

  1. this may be a lil off topic based on how this thread was going but got a question just got done reading the hole thread and kept on seeing something called a test from what i gather it to let people roleplay in the forum.... my question is this.. is this test to be able to sign up and read the forum or is it for posting in it if its for posting and reading id like to ask being i utterly stink at spelling and my grammar is very poor.. would there be away for people who just wants to read.. sign up read and not post
  2. please accept my deepest apology on this matter did not know asking about an archived version was frowned upon guess ill wait till that bug is fixed to make the video
  3. wish to make a video but sadly i got 0.15 and did not save the 0.14.4 file when i got it needles to say im getting that out of memory bug in 0.15... so making a video is near imposable being i wish to use 2 mods 0.14.4 worked for me and wish to get it again so my question is this...... how do i get it dont see a link anywhere on this site to get it BUT i do see theres some torrents of it was wondering being i all ready paid for it can i get it that way or well that be a bad idea i know theres no drm in this game but feel so bad about getting an old version that way P.S if its not a good idea and if the torrents need to be reported i well give links to what ive found
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