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Everything posted by LostPsychonaut

  1. Currently using b9 which comes with firespitter. No luck though opening in action group mode. I guess ill dive into B9 code to see how it works in there as recommended, although I am quite amateurish with this stuff.
  2. very interested in these greenhouse modules, hadnt seen anything except Bobcats HOME stuff. What mod pack can i find these in?
  3. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/16925-0-20-2-Aviation-Lights-v3-3-%2820JUN13%29
  4. Well done! Idk if this works or not yet, but I cannot begin to tell you how frustrated I was with the ridiculousness involving this Deadbeef fellow and his "copyrighted" subassembly LOADER. So excited to see what you do with the subassembly MANAGER :] you are a hero
  5. Ah wow thank you for the response, I based my speculation purely on the articles above. :] should have looked further. I find both Kristian and Peter to be very intelligent, inspiring individuals. Congrats again on the launch, I look forward to keeping up with CS throughout this beautiful project.
  6. Not really a request, keep doing you're thing, seems like you are on the path to KSP mod success, but i've been searching far and wide for an escape tower without a nose cone. I have NO IDEA how this could work, but it would be awesome if i could take a capsule, stick a docking port on it, but still put an LES on it with the 4 tower separation bolts on the lattice being the connection point. Anybody have thoughts on this? edit: or possibly a nose cone that would go over the stock docking ports
  7. Correct me if i'm wrong, just going off of the blog but it seems like Kristian Von Bengston is the one trying to be the guinea pig lol. Gotta love his drive... and his belief in risking death to go to space! Kristian talking about risk- http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2013/06/accepting-the-risk-of-death/ and then this one.. lol Kristian ranks the worst ways to die in a DIY space flight... morbid much? http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/10/top-10-most-horrible-deaths-in-a-diy-space-project/
  8. What a launch!! The guidance system appears to have worked perfectly!! Only downside is they havent recovered the rocket yet due to a failure of the main chute :[ luckily all data was downlinked during flight. Appears to be a VERY successful day for Copenhagen Suborbitals, especially for Flemming the man in charge of the guidance system.....What a badass
  9. KSS Troy is complete! (for now) Gotta love these big space station parts by udk_lethal_d0se. View from docking end, Aeneas Service Modules are blue when activated. Nav lights for incoming craft ...lol One last shot!
  10. "KSS Troy" coming together nicely. Core and power modules docked, first crew ferried and settled, Jeb up to no good as usual.....
  11. Mapsat=memory fail... I had never used it before, always thought it looked cool, but seemed like something for after you have the basics pegged... Well I havent been able to get it to work. I'm no code geek like you all, but I have gotten every major kerbal mod to work. This is the first one that has really given me a hard time. I am using the current Dev build, and I have noticed I can get a small probe to load on the launch pad as long as i dont use MechJeb. Optimizing memory has always been an issue and I have to keep my mods minimal, but this one seems to only work by itself.
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