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Everything posted by Strikeeagle345

  1. The shuttle is not FAR compatible (this topic has been discussed at length through out this thread). As far as deadly reentry, I am going to assume the same thing.
  2. I wished this helped, but it does it every time.
  3. ok So I did another clean install and tried 32 bit. I am now getting stuck here:
  4. Hey guys. I just installed everything via CKAN.exe on a fresh .90 install. Every time I launch the game it gets stuck here and the damn cat will just blast across the monitor (i let it sit for 20 minutes with no progress): If i remove that file it loads, but then i can ad fuel to anything or load the tank gui. any ideas?
  5. It should really be given a new name at this point. its basically a complete overhaul. This is their opportunity to make a name for themselves.
  6. Make sure you are using the Straight OMS engines and not the ones that say Left and Right. You will be able to us mech jeb then. See my Shuttle videos in my channel below.
  7. Oh I understand that, but considering the mod is being used in .25 by many people, what is the harm in leaving it.
  8. Really? the link for the firespitter was removed when it is to support this mod? that makes a lot of sense.
  9. Yeah, Look back a page or two. there is a new model being made for this mod. Should fix a lot of the goofy issues since they will now have total control over all aspects. post 797
  10. I am not sure if you guys are reading through the posts or not, but Dragon is still working on it. Just not on this site anymore. He is waiting for the new model and will work from there (if i am not mistaking). So it's not dead, just slowed in development.
  11. I received a PM from him [snip] he is no longer working on it.
  12. I just wanted to get the window Idea out there before I forgot about it, because I would have. Sounds like you are making some decent headway.
  13. If the new model does happen, we should try to incorporate transparent wind screens so we can see in the cockpit. Newer mods are starting to include this feature.
  14. Alright, lets get this show on the road. Raidernick. Contact me when you are ready to work on the sounds. I am also able to make textures if need be. I know how to model, but don't have that kind of time anymore. Let me know what I can do to help.
  15. Why don't you use the new model that is being made. I can provide the corrected sounds and then rework it from there?
  16. Let me know if you need help. I have created all new sounds for the shuttle that are very realistic. Even better than the last update. PM me so we can talk!
  17. Well,looks like the best mods for KSP are dead. What is the point now.....
  18. I don't think much changed in terms of code as all my mods still work.
  19. I was able to build the entire ISS with no issues and I am using the current versions for both CSS and ISS. Sounds like something is wrong on your end.
  20. I noticed the airlock in the current version, the light to dark textures are backwards. In the day light, the airlock is black, in the shade/ dark side of a planet its is light up and emits light. Odd.
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