Today I decided to dust off my Maya, fire up Photoshop and start thinking about modding. I'm only dipping my toe first, understanding modelling and texturing basics in Unity which is all pretty simple so far. Except, of course, something that should be simple not being simple at all. I have recovered some textures to have a look at by using Hex Editor already and, although I can't find any documentation, it works fine. Until it comes to normal maps. Converting a normal map from .mbm to .pbm, using HxD, just gives me a bad return. It looks like the normal map x3 across and a lot of empty space bellow which would make me think that I am trying to convert it to the wrong size but I have tried 1024x1024, 512 x 512 and 256 x 256 so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Does anyone have any idea what seems to be the matter? Failing that, could anyone show me a ready to photoshop normal map .pbm for the mk1 command pod as an example so I can compare? Cheers.