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Everything posted by FunkThompson

  1. I would love to see more side-mountable fuel tanks that don't require fuel lines or need to be dropped or whatever. Or parts that cram spare fuel in with other parts (like that strut mod that adds struts with RCS tanks inside the struts.) I would also love to see some "fuel-tank-like" Xenon tanks and generators - for rotary mounted Ion engines.
  2. I'm just tinkering around right now, learning the game, but I'd like to actually kind of follow the history of spaceflight up through and beyond the modern era. Start with probes, then manned subballistic, then manned orbit, then Mun / Minmus landing, first deep space probes and probes to other planets, then shuttle program and space station and Kubble, on to manned flights to the other planets and hell hopefully someday interstellar flights? Campaign mode cannot get here soon enough
  3. So, is there a video that shows how to actually use the fairings for useful stuff, like putting stuff inside them? I'm having problems figuring out how to build them around probes and such. Thanks!
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