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Everything posted by Astral_Nomad

  1. This is something I just posted in Facebook KSP group.. thought it might be an idea to suggest to the devs for a possiblity some day when they get bored. lol ---> Heres an new idea for people to try.. considering we have mods like the Austin Healy and such... I was thinking in multiplayer, have drag races down the runway.. with user created rovers! hell.. if squad is paying attention, maybe they could set something up for when events like the Indy 500 happen, like they did with the world cup! A raceway / track could be made for such an event. I think a lot of people would have fun with it. even if it would be Mariokart-ish.. lol
  2. I have a flight yoke for my flight sim... it has a throttle quadrant with 3 levers and like 12 button toggles on it.. lol
  3. can anyone please tell me how I can get the fuel amount of a single tank? for staging purposes.
  4. I guess it threw me off.. the archive folder used to be created by default when you first used kOS.. it doesnt seem to be there now so Im guessing I have to create it.
  5. at the moment, im not trying to run it from anywhere as i dont know where to/how to load the script apparently. Im used to the old Nivekk style from .\archive
  6. Okay.. so I wrote a short test script to see how .12 is working. I didnt see kOS create the archive folder in the original default place. Has it moved? If so, where? without the in-game editor, I dont know where to place my script? thanks.
  7. I would like to see: - A "clean up" function in the Tracking Station. Debris piles up pretty fast and it gets highly annoying having to remove each and every piece after 1 or more launches. The function would be only need to detect parts that are free floating (ie in a static, non-correctable orbit) and not have a command pod attached to it to flag it as debris and be removed. - Please remove the flag count from the "Flights in progress" value in the "resume game" dialog. It gets confusing sometimes when I see theres, like 6 flights in progress but yet i dont have a single ship or satellite in the sky. I feel that the flight count should only count true air/space flights as flags are static objects and dont actually fly. - Clipping issues in the VAB regarding attach nodes still needs to be fixed. I constantly have to fight with TT-38K radial decoupler when trying to attach tanks because it refuses to attach properly to them unless i try every possible existent angle to come to it from before it finally decides to let me attach.
  8. If it wasnt meant to be played with mods, Squad wouldnt have given us the ability to make them..
  9. BTDT = Been There Done That. Its the name of one of the scanners.
  10. The only Moho i ever knew until this game, is right here in town (in Canada).. Its a bar -- "Montreal Steakhouse/Hotel" or Mo-Ho for short.. lol..
  11. The "figure 8s" you are talking about are actually called "S-Turns". Its a kind of aerobraking that the shuttle does using it belly to bleed off speed. As far as I know, KSP atmosphere isnt integrated to that sophistication as of yet.
  12. my mod function? or was that a response to something previous? lol
  13. two things i would really like to see in the future - - The 10K barrier increased to something a bit more reasonable, or if that cant be achieved, - A procedural/modular set up, where we can jump to subroutines and functions or even launch an entirely different script from within the current script to get around said barrier. I would have no issues with breaking down a large script into smaller ones (for example, on a stage by stage basis) if it meant being able to still execute them all, as a complete session. I would also like to propose that the default extension for kOS, be .kos. This would make things easier as I would like to be able to associate my kOS files to my editor but apart from standard text files.
  14. for anyone that cares.. I have written out a simple c function that will determine the result of a modulo operation on a value. might not be the most efficient, but hey, it works without error. Feel free to use it in whatever mods anyone might need it in. I dont know c# or i would have written it as that. int mod(double m_decimal, double m_mod) { return m_decimal - (((int)(m_decimal/m_mod)) * m_mod); }
  15. Here ya go... a number of video tutorials on it.. Scott Manley to the rescue again.. lol:
  16. Okay.. I tried to ask in pm, but apparently the forums dont want me to send one, so im forced to ask in here.. Kevin, I am a programmer myself, and have wanted to build an APS myself for some other games for a while. Im missing knowledge on how to properly implement parsers and lexers. Any recommendations? I would really like some input on this. I have basic knowledge, but not enough to actually get a functioning system with.
  17. could someone please post a short vid to show how to use it properly? There are no docs on how to use it, and the messages in this thread arent helping any. Ive figgered out I have to press and hold the P key but when I select a color it doesnt copy over to the part. Its getting kinda frustrating.
  18. I stumbled upon this video series on MSDN. It explains everything basic (fundamental) about how to program in C#. Useful for those that want to get into plugin modding. It uses Visual C# as its compiler. Its a bit outdated (2011), which mean you should probably use the 2010 version of Visual C# to stay with it. I dont know what the results would be with the 2012 version. Full source code for the series is available, and the individual lessons are free to download directly off the site. http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/C-Sharp-Fundamentals-Development-for-Absolute-Beginners Enjoy!
  19. Kevin.. if you want help with understanding it - possibly to improvise some concepts into your scripting, give me a shout. I can try to help.. I used to program in it years ago. lol
  20. Try surrounding a negative number with parenthesis ( ). For example, instead of saying -19, which the script might interpret as "subract 19", use the brackets to force the distinction. Its a common practice in real-world code circles, so that any vagueness is removed about what the programmer means. I dont know if the script is smart enough for that, but its worth a try.
  21. Is it just me or does K-OS look very COBOL-ish in its english like statements and statement delimiter? now we just need some DIVISIONs for effect.. lol (I joke......... kinda)
  22. You can also add Hullcam to that.. it will unlock the keys it uses from the console it seems, which is what I believe is causing me to have issues with entering data.
  23. I have the same problem using an american keyboard with the american layout. Some keys register fine in console, but others ignore the console and instead activate other things at the launchpad.
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