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Everything posted by Basilo1146

  1. Thanks. Things don't really fail spectacularly around me, they just slowly disassemble into a frustrating heap. The Hexa X-1 was the most anticipated development in space exploration in kerbal history. Designed over a period of several months, it was the pinnacle of rocketry. Jeb was still getting reprimanded for the reentry debacle, so his brother, Bill, a more level headed kerbal, was chosen to fly this mission. Bill handled the Hexa like a pro, and the ship easily ascended up through the atmosphere and achieved orbit for the first time in history. The ship still had an entire stage full of fuel left, and it was decided that this mission could go much further. So it was that Bill set up a burn and pushed the Hexa for Mun. Originally Bill was going to land the Hexa there, but upon entering Mun's SoI, he decided that there wasn't enough fuel to land and safely return, so he instead opted for a flyby, gaining science along the way. Upon reentry into Kerbin's atmosphere, Bill quickly learned that, even when entering at a shallow angle, you are going to get hot. The ship slowed down more than quick enough, thankfully, and landed smoothly in the desert, netting enough science to make some upgrades to the lander, and to send a kerbal farther than ever before. We don't have ladders...
  2. I have finally decided to break out career mode, and I decided that I should bug the rest of you with my experiences. Apparently our engineers are completely inept, as they managed to come up with this horrendous contraption: Only a few seconds into launch, the external engines overheat, to the confusion of everyone. Considering that they are exposed to the open air, one would think that they would stay cooler than the center engine, but for some reason they explode right of the gate, leaving our rocket two engines short. Thins only get worse as the center engine, which we wanted to overheat, fails to do so, and remains attached to the rocket, blocking its thrust, and leaving this flight doomed for failure. Even after having burned all of the fuel from the liquid engine, the center booster is still attached to the rocket. We don't just give up that easily, however! We managed to get 25 science from a few EVA reports, surface samples, and other stuff that we forced our kerbals into dangerous situations to retrieve. Despite that, we were determined to see our design work, and so we did. On the ship's second launch, it ascended up through the atmosphere to 90 km above the surface, marking kerbal kind's first trip to space. Always impatient, Jeb burned downwards to make the ship get back earlier. On his way down, he hopped out of the ship to get a report. Jeb quickly learned the error in his ways when his ship had ceased to slow down, despite being uncomfortably close to the ground. The flames were rather spectacular, however. After plopping down in the middle of nowhere, and losing half the ship in the process, Jeb collected some data before getting picked up. With this, we were ready to research some new rocket parts, and to start sending Kerbals further than ever before.
  3. Hm, I just downloaded this, but I had no kraken attacks happen...
  4. Back in .20.2, i had a kraken attack similar to the one in Danny2462's video "Having fun in the solar system" when he lands on Jool. However, for me, one happened on the runway at KSP, and the other while on minmus. Both times I was on a ladder. The minmus one completely destroyed everything involved, except for two landing legs, which were on a solar escape trajectory
  5. Hey, i like it. I try to play with an un-modded game, so having things like this is useful.
  6. Getting into orbit is fine actually. It's almost hard to build something that wont. Also, I finally made a mun landing with 1.25 meter parts, which, I have never done before. I think I have it down now, thanks.
  7. I am utterly incompetent when it comes to the 1.25 meter parts. I have only built one launch vehicle using them, and that could only carry about ten tonnes into orbit. Given the introduction of science, this has been a difficult learning curve. If i had my 2.5 meter parts, i would have unlocked everything in half a dozen launches, but i am about 11 launches in and just unlocking tier 4. So, how does one use these parts?
  8. That might actually work. It would have to be designed slightly differently than Danny's so that it would have a system of propulsion that lines up with the center of mass, but it would work.
  9. Wow, i was just about to start this thread. But anyways, my best title would probably be "Docking In The Dark"
  10. My biggest duh moments would probably be when I was first learning how to dock. For some reason, instead of cancelling out my velocity relative to the target and then trying to approach it, I would just try to redirect the vehicle without stopping it. This never actually resulted in any crashes, but I kept flying right past whatever I would try to dock with
  11. The landing leg thing should work quite well. It's amazing what you can use them for if you think outside the box. However, instead of using them to grab it, make a cage/cargo bay type thing out of structural panels or girder thingies and use the landing legs to close it off once the item is inside
  12. Subassemblies. That is all I really want. Other stuff would be nice, but all I need are subassemblies.
  13. 558: If you make something with enough mass, its gravitational pull will be enough for you to orbit/walk on it
  14. Because of this "Single core only" business, I'm guessing that a Tesla card would do nothing?
  15. Ok, my input. I'm sure this has already been mentioned, but i'm not reading through another 45 pages to check. What I have noticed with the new ASAS is that, while it will stop a ship from turning/rotating after manual input, it seems not to cancel out the effects of other forces. For example, if I have a spaceplane and I hit W for a second, it will cancel out the movement created from that input. However, because the tail fin puts the CoM ever so slightly out of line with the CoT, the ship experiences spin under acceleration. Rotation from sources like this, such as wobbling, drag, lift(or lack thereof), or unaligned CoMs and CoTs will not be stopped, which is a major problem. Another example of this would be that any deviations of course that occur when rolling/banking in the atmosphere, such as the nose dipping towards the ground, will not be stopped as they are not directly caused by manual input. Of course, I could be completely wrong, but this seems to be case in my game.
  16. You inspired me. I have currently begun work on my own crossbow, but things always either fall out of the bucket or get caught on its lip...
  17. I have yet to go to any other planet. However, I have sent something on an escape trajectory from Kerbol. Apparently the kraken still lives on Minmus.
  18. This is pretty much me. Also, I love your quotes.
  19. Well, here it is. Wait... Something isn't right Oh well, it's still climbing And now it's orbiting. Without a wing. Disclaimer: If you let me fly your plane, don't expect it back in one piece
  20. Hello, I got KSP 6 days ago and I've already become addicted. Also, I am probably going to be saying things like the title alot.
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