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  1. Have you tried the 4096 resolution texture pack? I had the same problem when I tried the 8192 res pack. Using the 4096 textures fixed it.
  2. Is it possible to add support for PWB Fuel Balancer? If not, is there a way I could add a part manually to this tree? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/pwb-fuel-balancer-for-rcs/ Not a major loss if it is too much of an inconvenience. As a aside note: Amazing tech tree! Thank you so much for taking the time to make such an in depth tree.
  3. In the latest version of KSP you can right-click the command module and disable reaction wheels. Driving in docking mode is an old solution to a problem that is no more.
  4. Stumbled across this video, is too awesome to not share. I hope this is the right section of KSP forums!
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