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Everything posted by jinks

  1. Quick question: Is it just me, or does the runway come without a texture?
  2. The experience with RemoteTech so far has been fantastic. I love having to plan step-by-step expansions to reach further and further into the System. That being said, I have 2 questions puzzling me while my kerbals reach out for the stars: Energy requirements seem to be really low, if I'm not misreading this, I can support 20+ SatDish 9000 (1.7E/min) with a single PB-NUK. Is this intentional or is something wrong with my setup? I'm thinking about mounting a few Voyager/Pioneer style missions (small probes reaching for the far edges of the system). It seems kinda ridiculous to mount a SD9k to an otherwise kerbal-sized probe with a single ion drive. Would it be possible to have smaller dishes with a high range but being restricted to small craft? The way it is now I can't really see a way to realize my idea.
  3. The pausing issue on Linux is due to a small oversight inside the plugin (already present in the v3 code from the OP). It checks if Hilo.dat is present, if not generates it (that's what's causing the pause), and then writes this data to hilo.dat which of course means it won't find it again on the next run. (Gotta love Windows-centric development, dontcha? ) Simple workaroud: Open a terminal, cd to Innsewerants Space Agency/Plugins/PluginData/ISA_MapSat/ inside the KSP GameData directory and do ln hilo.dat Hilo.dat. This will create a hardlink between the two names ans MapSat is none the wiser. (I didn't test if a symlink works, it should though).
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