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Everything posted by Lysergic

  1. Umm I hope the devs know that I can't play after work tomorrow. So it's gotta be today. ITS GOTTA BE TODAY! It's ok with me if they want to work late tonight.
  2. I've purchased several games in alpha state. I never do so unless I would be content even if it was called complete the day after my purchase. I bought this game in .20, which for me was a complete game. I expect no more, no less, than what it was when I bought it. Anything else is a bonus. 480 hours and counting, love every minute of it. For me, were at version 1.40. TL;DR if you buy a game in alpha, your expectations should be that the developers walk away the next day. Be happy they haven't.
  3. Launched ICBMs at the other side of Kerbin. Because why not simulate MAD?
  4. When I started I knew you didn't just point at the Mun and burn to get there. But with my first spaceship I had no idea what any alternative might be so I did it anyway. Failed.
  5. Today was a big day for my Kerbals. Having put in 480 hours with just one successful docking under my belt (but having done return trips from Moho and Jool), I decided it was time to do a proper Apollo style mission using just Kerbal Engineer. It took several launches to get the staging and decouplers right for the Command and Lander Modules. The launch. After the transfer burn, Bill switched to the lander module, decoupled from the command module, and landed. Excellent luck and slight planning led to this nice flat area as our landing site. Close to 1/2 the fuel was used in the landing though.. After a little Bill got back in the lander and took off. After another 30 minutes of dicking around with translation buttons, multiple quickloads after Bill hit the wrong one and suddenly found himself surrounded by explosions, and I am finally there! This photo seconds before a successful docking!! http://i1131.photobucket.com/albums/m542/heavytr3vy/screenshot33.png' alt='screenshot33.png'> The landing module was decoupled and left to float in orbit around the Mun forever. Bill provides some early morning fireworks for the lifeless continent below. All in all quite pleased with myself. Still convinced docking is harder than just bringing a crapload of fuel along. But there you have it!
  6. And now having finished it, I realize I never considered the preantepenultimate paragraph as one possible explanation for the Fermi paradox.
  7. Found this on Reddit. Thought it would be enjoyed here as well. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions/expedition30/tryanny.html
  8. Put this on our subreddit. And doubled my karma
  9. Steam will let you buy and download and try to run any game. Even if you don't have the required operating system. It does have a notice on the page if a game has issues (ie if it won't run on windows 7). But it won't prevent you from trying to play.
  10. I see a lot of people care about these, but I never bother. I just launch my probes into LKO, and burn at the right time so that I leave the Kerbin SOI having raised or lowered my orbit based on where I'm going. Then I just fiddle around with maneuver nodes, sometimes waiting a few months, until I get something that intersects with where I want to go. Am I doing this completely wrong?
  11. The 7770 should be fine for just KSP. Get a nice CPU - intel is better for lightly threaded apps like KSP, so nice choice, but if dont spend more than $200 on it. Also, if you want to OC it will be more noticeable in KSP than most games. Just make sure you get a K series CPU (so you actually can OC) and an aftermarket air cooler, since the stock intel one isn't great. I think is a coolermaster 212 and is awesome.
  12. Nice CPU, but your graphics card is severely lacking. KSP is CPU limited for most people, but you'll have a big GPU bottleneck - you'll have trouble turning the graphics up beyond the lowest settings. You'd be better off getting 4 gigs of ram and spending every last $ you save on a better GPU.
  13. Decided to go to Duna! First time ever returning a Kerbal from outside the Kerbin system. Managed to do everything without MechJeb . Launcher at the pad. Struts! Lining up in low Kerbin orbit for my long burn. Approaching Duna. The boosters on the side of my stage there are mostly for keeping everything rigid during launch. Jeb got very excited when he landed during an eclipse! Splashdown! Awaiting the Kerbal Navy to come and pick him up.
  14. Today was a good day. My first Mun landing, and the Kerbal returned. My second Mun landing, and the Kerbal returned. My first Minimus landing... and the Kerbal returned (barely). Only using the KW Rocketry mod . Going to try for Duna tonight!
  15. Lysergic


    Lysergic reporting in! I downloaded the demo a few days ago, and promptly forked out for the whole game. I haven't wanted to call in sick so badly since my early WoW days... But instead I've been hoovering up any KSP info I can find while at work . I achieved first Kerbal orbit last night using my homemade Trinity I launcher. This morning I added a few solid boosters to see if I could land a Kerbal on the Mun. Unfortunately due to my navigators lack of technique, we overshot the moon when our retro thrusters ran out of fuel. Luckily, there are plenty of supplies on the ship, and a rescue mission will be mounted after work. (Is this possible? Or would I have needed some sort of docking port? Can I have my stranded Kerbal EVA to a nearby ship?) I'm not a fan of excessive asparagus, which will no doubt hinder my space program somewhat. As will sticking to stock parts and not using mods (unless I really should). But, my girlfriend is leaving for 3 weeks this Saturday, so I intend to have the skills and infrastructure in place when she gets back to take her on a tour of the solar system!
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