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Posts posted by Coneshot

  1. On 12/11/2015 at 1:09 PM, Ryan949 said:

    This is what I'm getting: http://imgur.com/2rmyYf7
    As you can see both reactors stay at room temp and aren't producing any xenon gas (mind the tweak-scale) or electric charge

    I'm getting the same thing.

    On 12/12/2015 at 10:29 PM, RoverDude said:

    The reactors are underutilized, so they automatically lower load to what you actually are using.

    I made a test rig to see if I could "utilize" the reactor a bit more (around 20 ion thrusters with a ton of reaction wheels which used around 245 EC/s) and no change in temp and no electric charge produced...  pretty sure I'm derping here, but any advice to get them going would be awesome!


    BTW besides the reactor hiccup, this is quickly becoming my favorite mod!

  2. I had 2 die the other day from premature parachute deployment, then an accident during EVA sent Val retrograde with enough speed to deorbit her. She reentered and fell into the ocean with just a spacesuit and somehow survived! Just shows sometimes luck goes both ways.

  3. I enjoy the science part of KSP, but I feel like the tech tree is still a bit predictable and linear. How about this: While exploring the Kerbol system, finds made while doing science can lead to new tech that wasn't previously in the tech tree. An example would be "DISCOVERY! While taking a surface sample on Duna, Jeb finds a new mineral Kerbtanium that makes possible new stronger lighter struts!" These discoveries could be kinda like the easer eggs, scattered and hidden throughout the system, or could be found through normal science. An added benefit would be to make it harder to fill in the tech tree with a couple of novelty missions. (I'm sorry Scott!)

    Just an idea....


  4. There's plenty to do while you wait. As for me, I'm brushing up on basic skills and practicing rendezvous with objects on hyperbolic trajectories. I'm sending ships through Kerbin's SOI from Kerbol orbit and docking (or trying to dock) with them at different angles of approach. It's not as easy as it looks in some of the teaser videos lol!

  5. OK, I thought today was a good day to warn Squad: Do not announce or release ARM tomorrow. Everyone will think it is a prank. And if it is, it will just make everyone mad at you. I'm warning you, proceed at your own risk.

    KSP Development Team:"Tuesday, April 1st announcement, We regret to inform the KSP community that due to an unexpected error in our antivirus software, all progress on the ARM update seems to have been lost. It is unknown when or if a future update of this nature will be released, all we can say is SOON."

    "April fools!"

  6. KSP has made me a bit superstitious when it comes to launch time. I have a 727ton tanker that I launch regularly with no issues, unless...... It seems like any ship I launch where I have turned on the lights before launch suffers random unplanned disassembly. In my mind I know there really isn't a bug causing this, just superstition.

    How about you? Any launch time mojo do you observe?

  7. While I'm as anxious as the next person (as reflected in an earlier post), I appreciate the fact Squad has pride in their work and will not release anything that hasn't passed quality control. I can't fault them for taking advantage of the GDC to hype their latest project, even if it wasn't totally polished and ready to "ship". They took advantage of an opportunity to gain exposure for KSP which is vital to their continued success. If they followed that with "BTW, it's got serious bugs and isn't ready to release." it would have undermined what they had gained from the event.

  8. During orbit matching, I was smiling. There's an old sci-fi novel set in a breathable gas ring, orbiting a neutron star; gone-back-to-savage humans use flippers or wings to fly around on muscle power but have to think in terms of orbital mechanics to get anywhere. The culture has a nursery rhyme of sorts about it that was running through my head:

    East takes you out, out takes you west, west takes you in, in takes you east. North and south bring you back.

    I had that in mind and used it to figure out what burns would make an efficient rendezvous. That was back before maneuver nodes; things are much easier now.

    After the actual docking, I was relieved and happy, about as satisfied as I am after a landing in a flight simulator - crazy fun, but doing it right takes a lot of patience and coordination (and a few go-arounds for another try!)

    Lol! I too keep that saying in mind while doing orbital maneuvers, it's from "The integral trees" by Larry Niven


  9. When I docked for the first time, I cheated and used the Sr. Clamps XD

    It was actually pretty amazing for me, because docking was the most difficult thing in KSP I had attempted up until that point.

    Oddly enough, it took lots of practice docking before I could get the Sr. clamps to connect. I always found the normal standard ones easier..

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